====== Information ====== * FreeBSD ((https://www.freebsd.org/)) * 14.2-RELEASE (([[https://www.freebsd.org/releases/14.2R/relnotes/|relnotes]], [[https://www.freebsd.org/releases/14.2R/announce/|announce]])) * Xfce ((https://www.xfce.org/)) ====== TODOs ====== * [[bsd;notes;freebsd]] * Joystick [[bsd;notes;joystick#devdconf|devd.conf]] * PC speaker beep at log-in ([[https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/how-to-have-pc-speaker-beep-when-log-in-is-ready.94934/|thread]]) * Solo U2F key and Firefox ([[https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/solo-key-u2f-fido2-in-firefox.95203/|thread]]) * ZFS repair notes/commands * Wargus with GOG files (works; wine gog install, :?: no xpac 2nd extract), and UT99 with ChaosUT * 720p 1080p desktop res change desktop launchers * Wine ''wine.bin'' kill desktop launcher * Xfce Sticky Keys notification ([[https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/disable-random-notification-about-sticky-keys.94929/|thread]]) * Android ''adb'' ([[https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/adb-android-tools.93731/#post-670844|post]]) * Spinesnap = Dell Latitude 5591 laptop ((Intel UHD 630, no TB, no dGPU)) * Android file transfers with MTP * Keybase GUI (''keybase'' pkg) ====== Download ====== * https://download.freebsd.org/releases/amd64/amd64/ISO-IMAGES/14.2/ FreeBSD-14.2-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img ====== Installation Notes ====== ===== Partitioning ===== * https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/bsdinstall/#bsdinstall-partitioning * ZFS * ''stripe'' (1 NVMe) * :!: Not forced 4K Sectors ((''PM9A1'' only supports 512e)) * GPT (BIOS+UEFI) ===== System Configuration ===== * [x] ''local_unbound'' * Everything else unchecked ===== System Hardening ===== * [x] ''clear_tmp'' * [x] ''disable_syslogd'' ===== User ===== * Invite to other groups: ''wheel'' * Shell: ''sh'' ===== Network ===== * DHCP or Static on Ethernet (''em0'') * DHCP on USB Tether (''ue0'') ====== Network ====== ===== USB Tethering ===== * https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/usb-tethering-detected-and-up-but-no-internet.88441/ * :?: Might apply to any type of USB network device that shows up under ''ue#'' su - sysrc ifconfig_ue0=SYNCDHCP /etc/netstart ====== Time Sync ====== su - ntpd -g -q ====== Update ====== ===== FreeBSD ===== * https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/cutting-edge/#freebsdupdate-security-patches su - freebsd-update fetch install sync && reboot ===== pkg ===== su - pkg update --force pkg upgrade ====== Xorg ====== * https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/x11/#x-install * :!: 2024/11/29: ''drm-61-kmod'' failed to boot ([[https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/boot-hangs-after-loading-i915kms.95904/#post-681452|post]]) * TODO: ''gpu-firmware'' seems auto-covered at install; check if it depends on ''drm-kmod'' su - pkg install xorg 'drm-515-kmod' 'gpu-firmware-intel-kmod-kabylake' pw groupmod video -m espionage724 sysrc kld_list+=i915kms ====== Xfce ====== * https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/desktop/#xfce-environment su - pkg install xfce ee /etc/fstab # Xfce proc /proc procfs rw 0 0 sysrc dbus_enable="YES" echo '. /usr/local/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc' > /home/espionage724/.xinitrc chown espionage724:espionage724 /home/espionage724/.xinitrc sync && reboot ===== Login ===== * Username -> Password -> ''startx'' startx ====== Software ====== ===== Initial ===== su - pkg install xdg-user-dirs filezilla firefox ==== XDG Dirs ==== * :!: Done from regular user and not ''su'' exit xdg-user-dirs-update --force ===== General ===== su - pkg install evince-lite evolution foliate gbrainy gimp keepassxc libreoffice mate-calc mpv ristretto thunar-archive-plugin transmission-gtk xfce4-screensaver xfce4-screenshooter-plugin xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin android-tools aria2 cups en-freebsd-doc en-hunspell gnome-keyring gstreamer1-plugins-good gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer1-libav gtk-sharp30 htop icoutils libressl mesa-demos noto unar wget xarchiver xrandr yt-dlp ===== Chicago95 ===== * https://github.com/grassmunk/Chicago95 chicago95 ===== Wine ===== * https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/wine/#installing-wine-on-freebsd wine wine-gecko wine-mono winetricks ===== Intel ===== **** libva-intel-driver ===== Games ===== * TODO: Joystick fix for ''neverball'' neverball xonotic ==== DevilutionX ==== * [[games;bsd;devilutionx|DevilutionX]] devilutionx ==== Doomsday Engine ==== * [[games;bsd;doomsday_engine|Doomsday Engine]] doomsday fluid-soundfont ==== FlightGear ==== * :!: [[games:bsd:flightgear|FlightGear]] * [[games;controller_bindings;flightgear_sidewinder_joystick|Sidewinder Precision Pro Joystick Bindings]] flightgear flightgear-data ===== Tor Browser ===== **** tor-browser ====== Settings ====== ===== Groups ===== * ''operator'' to allow general reboot/power-off su - pw groupmod 'operator' -m 'espionage724' ===== 32-bit Wine ===== * :!: Done from regular user and not ''su'' exit '/usr/local/share/wine/pkg32.sh' update --force && '/usr/local/share/wine/pkg32.sh' upgrade '/usr/local/share/wine/pkg32.sh' install wine mesa-dri gstreamer1-plugins-good gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer1-libav libressl ===== Xfce ===== ==== Appearance ==== * [[https://github.com/grassmunk/Chicago95/blob/master/INSTALL.md#enabling-chicago95|Chicago95]] * TODO: Replace Greybird config with Chicago95's * Style -> Greybird * Icons -> elementary Xfce * Fonts -> **Enable** anti-aliasing -> Uncheck and re-check for full check-mark * Fonts -> Rendering -> Hinting: Slight * Fonts -> Rendering -> Sub-pixel order: None * Fonts -> DPI -> Uncheck ''Custom DPI setting'' 008080 ==== Panel 1 ==== * Items -> Add -> Whisker Menu (move to beginning of Items and remove Applications Menu) * Items -> Status Tray Plugin -> Fixed icon size (pixels): ''16'' === Whisker Menu === * General -> [x] ''Show generic application names'' * General -> Uncheck ''Show application descriptions'' * General -> Menu width: ''425'' * General -> Menu height: ''525'' * General -> Background opacity: ''100'' * Appearance -> [x] Position search entry on bottom * Appearance -> [x] Position commands next to search entry * Appearance -> Profile: Hidden * Appearance -> Display: Icon and title * Appearance -> Display: ''Start'' * Commands -> [x] Settings Manager, Lock Screen, Log Out, Restart, Shut Down (uncheck rest) === Window Buttons === * Appearance -> Uncheck ''Show flat buttons'' * Appearance -> Uncheck ''Show handle'' * Appearance -> Sort order: ''None, allow drag-and-drop'' * Behaviour -> Uncheck ''Group windows by application'' * Behaviour -> Uncheck ''Switch windows using the mouse wheel'' === Clock === * Custom Formats for Date, and Time %a, %b %d %l:%M %P ==== Power Manager ==== * Display -> ''Blank after'' and ''Put to sleep after'': Never * Display -> Switch off after: 5 minutes ==== Terminal ==== * General -> Scrollback: ''10000'' * Appearance -> [x] Use system font * Appearance -> Background -> Transparent Background ''0.80'' ==== Window Manager ==== * Style -> Theme -> Greybird-dark ((Greybird themes makes window borders tiny for mouse grab; Alt + Right-click hold-and-drag works nicely, [[https://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?id=10432|thread]])) ==== Window Manager Tweaks ==== * :!: Compositor -> Uncheck ''Enable display compositing'' with [[bsd:notes:xorg.conf_snippets#intel|Intel DDX driver]] ((window dragging is notably laggy with compositor enabled)) * Compositor -> Uncheck ''Show shadows under popup windows'' * Compositor -> Uncheck ''Show shadows under dock windows'' * Compositor -> Uncheck ''Zoom desktop with mouse wheel'' * Compositor -> Opacity of window during move: 10 notches from right/Opaque ==== Xfce Screensaver ==== * Screensaver -> Floating Xfce * Screensaver -> Regard the computer as idle after: ''1'' minutes * Lock Screen -> Lock the screen after the screensaver is active for: ''4'' minutes * Lock Screen -> Disable Session Status Messages * Lock Screen -> Disable User Switching ===== Keyboard ===== ==== Behavior ==== * Repeat delay: ''400'' * Repeat speed: ''30'' ==== Shortcuts ==== bash -c "secret-tool lookup 'keepass' 'default' | keepassxc --pw-stdin ~/'Documents/keepass.kdbx'" xfce4-terminal --title='FreeBSD Updater' --command "su - 'root' -c 'freebsd-update fetch install && pkg update --force && pkg upgrade && sync && echo 'Done' && sleep '3''" xfce4-popup-whiskermenu * Vol Up mixer 'vol'='+5%' >> /dev/null 2>&1 * Vol Down mixer 'vol'='-5%' >> /dev/null 2>&1 * Vol Mute mixer 'vol'='mute=toggle' >> /dev/null 2>&1 === Keys === * Listed respectively to above * Ctrl + Alt + Z * F6 * Super/Windows Key * ''mixer'' commands bound to ''AudioRaiseVolume'', ''AudioLowerVolume'', and ''Audio Mute'' ((when set from a USB keyboard, requires ''hw.usb.usbhid.enable=1'')) ===== loader.conf ===== ==== Spinesnap ==== su - ee '/boot/loader.conf' kern.geom.label.disk_ident.enable="0" kern.geom.label.gptid.enable="0" cryptodev_load="YES" zfs_load="YES" autoboot_delay="2" hw.usb.no_boot_wait="1" hw.usb.usbhid.enable="1" hw.i915kms.modeset="1" hw.i915kms.fastboot="0" hw.i915kms.disable_power_well="0" hw.i915kms.enable_dc="0" hw.i915kms.enable_fbc="0" hw.i915kms.enable_psr="0" hw.i915kms.enable_psr2_sel_fetch="0" hw.i915kms.panel_use_ssc="0" hw.i915kms.nuclear_pageflip="1" hw.i915kms.enable_hangcheck="0" hw.i915kms.reset="0" ==== Unused ==== hw.acpi.osname="Windows 2017" exec="gop set 0" ==== Boot Commands ==== * TODO: Under misc boot gop list ===== rc.conf ===== ==== Spinesnap ==== su - ee '/etc/rc.conf' clear_tmp_enable="YES" syslogd_flags="-ss" hostname="Spinesnap" ifconfig_em0="inet netmask" defaultrouter="" ifconfig_em0_ipv6="inet6 accept_rtadv" local_unbound_enable="YES" moused_nondefault_enable="NO" # Set dumpdev to "AUTO" to enable crash dumps, "NO" to disable dumpdev="NO" zfs_enable="YES" kld_list="i915kms" dbus_enable="YES" cupsd_enable="YES" ===== sysctl.conf ===== ==== Spinesnap ==== * https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/config/#hwpstate_intel * TODO: Device hint or devd.conf to change the epp state on AC/BAT states? su - ee '/etc/sysctl.conf' dev.hwpstate_intel.0.epp=0 ===== device.hints ===== ==== Spinesnap ==== * https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/multimedia/#sound-mixer * https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/thinkpad-x270-audio-device-hints-for-headphones.74193/ * For built-in speaker and 3.5mm headphone jack auto-switch * Last tested: 2024/11/29 su - ee '/boot/device.hints' hint.hdac.0.cad0.nid20.config="as=1 seq=0" hint.hdac.0.cad0.nid33.config="as=1 seq=15 device=Headphones" ===== Network ===== ==== local-unbound DNS ==== * https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/network/#configuring-nameserver * Already done during install by ''local_unbound'' cat '/etc/rc.conf' | grep 'local_unbound_enable' cat '/etc/resolv.conf' su - ee '/etc/resolv.conf' nameserver options edns0 ===== Printer ===== * https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/printing/ ==== CUPS ==== * https://docs.freebsd.org/en/articles/cups/ su - sysrc cupsd_enable="YES" service 'cupsd' start ==== Printer ==== * http://localhost:631/admin * Log-in as regular user (not ''root'') * Internet Printing Protocol (ipp) * HP * IPP Everywhere ™ * Output Mode: DeviceGray * Duplex: DuplexNoTumble ((presumably double-sided printing, flip-on-long-edge)) ipp:// Kole ===== Game Controllers ===== * :!: See [[bsd;notes;joystick|Joystick]] ===== mpv ===== mkdir -p ~/'.config/mpv' && ee ~/'.config/mpv/mpv.conf' save-position-on-quit sub-auto=fuzzy force-window=yes profile=gpu-hq scale=ewa_lanczossharp cscale=ewa_lanczossharp video-sync=display-resample interpolation tscale=oversample hwdec=vaapi hwdec-codecs=all ===== OpenJDK ===== * 2024/11/25: ''openjdk17'' is a dependency for ''libreoffice'' su - ee '/etc/fstab' # OpenJDK fdesc /dev/fd fdescfs rw 0 0 mount | grep 'fdescfs on /dev/fd' mount | grep 'procfs on /proc' ===== KeePassXC ===== ==== Settings ==== * General -> [ ] Load previous databases on startup * Security -> [x] Use DuckDuckGo service to download website icons ==== Database Password on Keyring ==== * For [[#keyboard_shortcuts|Keyboard Shortcut]] secret-tool store --label='KeePass' 'keepass' 'default' ===== Secure Shell ===== * TODO ===== Drive Maintenance ===== ==== ZFS ==== * TODO [[bsd:notes:zfs_nas_format]] ===== Wine ===== * See [[bsd;notes;wine|Wine]] ===== Xorg ===== * [[bsd;notes;xorg.conf_snippets|xorg.conf Snippets]] (75Hz, ''evdev'') ==== Full RGB HDMI ==== ee ~/'.xinitrc' xrandr --output 'HDMI-1' --set 'Broadcast RGB' 'Full' xrandr --output 'HDMI-1' --set 'content type' 'Game' '.' '/usr/local/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc' ====== Firefox ====== * See [[programs;firefox|Firefox]] ====== Notable Folders and Commands ====== ===== Font Cache ===== **** fc-cache -r -v ===== Drive Wipe ===== su - gpart show gpart destroy -F 'da1' dd if='/dev/zero' of='/dev/da1' count='8096' ===== USB Flash Drive ===== su - camcontrol devlist dmesg | grep 'ugen' usbconfig -d '/dev/ugen0.6' power_off ===== User/Group ===== awk -F":" '{print $1}' /etc/passwd awk -F":" '{print $1}' /etc/group su - pw userdel 'x' -r pw groupdel 'x' ===== pkg ===== * ''x'' is a package name pkg info -l x pkg autoremove ===== Erase Command History ===== * Log-out of Xfce (pre-''startx''/tty) rm -f ~/'.sh_history' & exit ===== Handbook ===== pkg info -l 'en-freebsd-doc' gio open '/usr/local/share/doc/freebsd/en/books/handbook' ===== CPU Frequency ===== **** su - root -c "sysctl 'dev.cpu.0.freq' 'dev.cpu.1.freq' 'dev.cpu.2.freq' 'dev.cpu.3.freq' 'dev.cpu.4.freq' 'dev.cpu.5.freq' 'dev.cpu.6.freq' 'dev.cpu.7.freq'" ===== Time Sync ===== **** su - root -c 'ntpd -g -q' ===== Network Restart ===== su - '/etc/netstart' service 'netif' restart ===== hw-probe ===== * https://bsd-hardware.info/ * https://bsd-hardware.info/?view=howto * 2024/09/13: [[https://bsd-hardware.info/?probe=99f8e55057|Spinesnap]] su - pkg install 'hw-probe' hw-probe -all -upload ===== Crashdump Clean-up ===== **** rm -fv ~/*'.core' ===== Xfce Settings Reset ===== rm -fv ~/'.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/displays.xml' gio open ~/'.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml' gio open ~/'.config/xfce4/xfconf' ===== Audio Output Switch ===== * https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/multimedia/#sound-mixer * https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=mixer mixer -a echo ' Headphones ' && mixer -d 'pcm1' -f '/dev/mixer1' echo ' Onboard ' && mixer -d 'pcm0' -f '/dev/mixer0' ===== GeoClue Test ===== * https://forums.FreeBSD.org/threads/does-geoclue-pose-a-security-issue.95914/ '/usr/local/libexec/geoclue-2.0/demos/where-am-i' ===== Single-user ZFS RW ===== * https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/how-to-rw-in-single-user-mode.86186/#post-578493 zfs readonly=off zroot/ROOT/default ===== Logs ===== newsyslog -v -CC -N cat '/dev/null' > '/var/log/all.log' cat '/dev/null' > '/var/log/Xorg.0.log' gio open '/var/log' ls -la '/var/log' ==== syslog.conf ==== === all.log === == Enable == * Uncomment su - ee '/etc/syslog.conf' #*.* /var/log/all.log == Permissions == su - touch '/var/log/all.log' && chmod '600' '/var/log/all.log' == View == su - ee '/var/log/all.log' ===== Other Files/Paths ===== * TODO