====== Information ====== * Doomsday Engine ((https://dengine.net/)) * Enhanced engine for Doom, Heretic, Hexen, etc ====== Prerequisites ====== * [[bsd;freebsd_14.1_xfce|FreeBSD 14.1 (Xfce)]] pkg install doomsday fluid-soundfont ===== Install Message ===== Message from doomsday-2.3.1_6: -- If you use an Intel graphics adapter and experience missing or corrupted textures during gameplay, try launching doomsday with the "-notexcomp" option. If you get the error message "Variable 'audio.soundPlugin' not found" after upgrade from 1.15, remove the file ~/.doomsday/runtime/persist.pack and try to start doomsday again. * 2024/09/09: Neither message was an issue (Intel UHD 630 ''drm/kmod'') ====== WADs ====== mkdir -p ~/'.doomsday/runtime/wads' mv -f -v ~/'Downloads/'*'.WAD' ~/'.doomsday/runtime/wads' ====== Audio ====== * Requires ''fluid-soundfont'' for music and manually setting in-game SFX and Music outputs to ''SDL_mixer'' * ''GM'' = General MIDI, ''GS'' = Roland GS (([[https://musescore.org/en/node/2305|source]]; 2024/09/09: ''FluidR3_GS.sf2'' "Roland __GS__" didn't work with ''doomsday'')) * 2024/09/10: ''SDL_SOUNDFONTS'' env is already done with [[bsd;freebsd_14.1_xfce#sdl|SDL profile.d Tweaks]] SDL_SOUNDFONTS='/usr/local/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2' doomsday pkg info -l 'fluid-soundfont' ls '/usr/local/share/sounds/sf2'