====== Information ====== * If the installer ever works, this would be the preferred installation method for [[games;linux;wine;old_school_runescape_jagex_launcher_c|OSRS]] and [[games;linux;wine;runescape_nxt_jagex_launcher|RS3]] ====== Notes ====== * 2023/12/26: Whatever Jagex Launcher uses is also seemingly used for the standalone launcher for [[https://www.swtor.com/game/download|Star Wars: The Old Republic]] * 2024/02/01: Edge and WebView2 runtimes install when prefix is Windows 8.1 or 7, but Jagex Launcher installer always says the IE version isn't supported ====== Download ====== **** mkdir -p ~/'.wine' && wget 'https://cdn.jagex.com/Jagex%20Launcher%20Installer.exe' -O ~/'Downloads/Jagex Launcher Installer.exe' ====== Execute ====== * 2023/12/13: Error: ''The version of Internet Explorer on this machine is not supported. Please upgrade and try again.'' * :!: 2024/05/07: Above error still happens without any ''winetricks'' on openSUSE Tumbleweed with Wine Staging 9.8 WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/Jagex Launcher' WINEARCH='win64' WINEDEBUG='' wine ~/'Downloads/Jagex Launcher Installer.exe' ====== Reset ====== **** WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/Jagex Launcher' wineserver --kill && rm -Rf ~/'.wine/Jagex Launcher' && sync ====== Testing ====== * The installer //appears// to be using WebView2 and could possibly work with extra dependencies installed from ''winetricks'' such as ''dotnet48'' and ''ie8'' --verbose --window strings ~/'Downloads/Jagex Launcher Installer.exe' > ~/'Downloads/Jagex Launcher Installer strings.txt'