====== Information ======
* RuneScape ((http://www.runescape.com))
* NXT ((https://runescape.wiki/w/NXT))
* Jagex Launcher ((https://www.jagex.com/en-GB/launcher))
* This allows running the Jagex Launcher with Wine, and the RS3 NXT client natively
* Jagex Launcher can be closed after pressing ''Play'' and the RuneScape client window appears ((the log-in session carries over through world switches and even log-outs; Jagex Launcher only needs re-opened if you close the RS client window))
===== Prerequisites =====
* [[linux;distros;fedora_workstation_gnome|Fedora Workstation (GNOME)]]
* [[notes:wine|Wine]]
===== Notes =====
* Once installed, be sure the game cache is fully-downloaded, and ideally toggle Options -> Textures between ''Compressed'' and ''Uncompressed'' for both caches ((2024/03/24: ''RuneScape'' folder is 10.9 GB))
====== Disable Legacy GNOME Tray ======
* :!: Jagex Launcher sometimes has issues with being interacted with from GNOME tray with the AppIndicator/KStatusNotifierItem support for GNOME Shell extension ((this automatically installs on Fedora through Steam as a dep, and is included out-the-box with Ubuntu 23.10))
* Can be an issue on other desktop environments ((2023/12: Xfce on openSUSE TW seemed fine))
gnome-extensions disable 'ubuntu-appindicators@ubuntu.com'
gnome-extensions disable 'appindicatorsupport@rgcjonas.gmail.com'
====== Dependencies ======
* :!: F40 requires installing ''openssl1.1'' RPM from F39 ([[https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/problems-playing-runescape-without-openssl-1-1/124701|thread]])
sudo dnf install 'openssl1.1.x86_64' && sync
====== Install ======
===== Initial =====
mkdir -p ~/'.wine' && WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/RuneScape' WINEARCH='win64' wineboot && sync
===== Jagex Launcher =====
* :!: You'll need to supply ''Jagex Launcher'' files as the installer doesn't work ((install Jagex Launcher on a Windows machine first, and then the ''Jagex Launcher'' folder in ''Program Files'' can be copied over as-is to the Wine prefix; you don't need to log-in but ideally run it once after installation for it to update to the latest version))
* See [[games;linux;wine;jagex_launcher|Jagex Launcher Installer]] notes for installer testing
==== Google Drive ====
* [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ycvSFHTCXNQ7kXnPTS8XHFg__qgfB2ti/view?usp=sharing|Google Drive]] link to a clean ''Jagex Launcher'' folder with SHA256
* Use this if at all unsure
sha256sum ~/'Downloads/20240509-Jagex-Launcher.zip' | grep 'bc143b9cafbf6d735193d64e486be5015d4a4e857c61329e1a49f7143987789d' > '/dev/null' && unzip -b -o -qq ~/'Downloads/20240509-Jagex-Launcher.zip' -d ~/'.wine/RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files' && sync
gio open ~/'.wine/RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files'
==== Manual ====
* Expects something like ''~/Downloads/20230920-Jagex-Launcher.zip'' with any date
* The top-level of the archive should be the ''Jagex Launcher'' folder ((should have file contents like ''20240206-Jagex-Launcher.zip/Jagex Launcher/JagexLauncher.exe''))
unzip -b -o -qq ~/'Downloads/'*'Jagex'*'Launcher.zip' -d ~/'.wine/RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files' && sync
gio open ~/'.wine/RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files'
===== RuneScape =====
==== Jagex Launcher ====
* Update launcher if prompted, log-in, select RuneScape -> Install
* Fully-exit Jagex Launcher after installation
mkdir -p ~/'.wine/RuneScape/dxvk_shader_cache' && cd ~/'.wine/RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher' && MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DIR=~/'.wine/RuneScape' DXVK_STATE_CACHE_PATH=~/'.wine/RuneScape/dxvk_shader_cache' WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/RuneScape' wine ~/'.wine/RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher/JagexLauncher.exe' --disable-gpu --disable-software-rasterizer
==== RuneScape ====
* [[#version_check|Version-check]] occasionally, as this currently expects ''runescape-launcher_2.2.11_amd64.deb''
* Last tested: 2024/04/03 on Fedora 39
cd ~ && rm -Rf ~/'.runescape' ~/'.wine/RuneScape/Jagex/launcher' ~/'.wine/RuneScape/Jagex/updater' ~/'.wine/RuneScape/Jagex/RuneScape/GlobalSettings.jcache' ~/'.wine/RuneScape/Jagex/RuneScape/Settings.jcache' ~/'.wine/RuneScape/Jagex/RuneScape/ShaderManager.jcache' ~/'.local/share/icons/hicolor/'*'/apps/runescape.png' ~/'.local/share/applications/RuneScape.desktop' '/tmp/runescape' && mkdir -p ~/'.wine/RuneScape/Jagex/updater' '/tmp/runescape' && wget -O '/tmp/runescape/runescape-launcher-amd64.deb' 'https://content.runescape.com/downloads/ubuntu/pool/non-free/r/runescape-launcher/runescape-launcher_2.2.11_amd64.deb' && unar -o '/tmp/runescape' '/tmp/runescape/runescape-launcher-amd64.deb' && unar -o '/tmp/runescape' '/tmp/runescape/runescape-launcher-amd64/data.tar.xz' && cp '/tmp/runescape/data/usr/bin/runescape-launcher' '/tmp/runescape/data/usr/share/games/runescape-launcher/runescape' ~/'.wine/RuneScape/Jagex/updater' && cp -R '/tmp/runescape/data/usr/share/icons' ~/'.local/share' && ls ~/'.wine/RuneScape/Jagex/updater/runescape' ~/'.wine/RuneScape/Jagex/updater/runescape-launcher' > '/dev/null' && rm -Rf '/tmp/runescape' && ln --backup --symbolic --force ~/'.wine/RuneScape/Jagex/updater/runescape-launcher' ~/'.wine/RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher/Games/RuneScape/RuneScape.exe' && sync
===== runescape-launcher =====
* Minor changes to the current ''runescape-launcher'' from ''2.2.10'' ((the launcher is changed to run ''runescape'' from it's working directory instead of in ''/usr/share/..''))
* :!: Choose a graphics preset below to paste under ''# Custom'' and above ''unset XMODIFIERS''
nano ~/'.wine/RuneScape/Jagex/updater/runescape-launcher'
if [ -z $1 ]; then
export SDL_VIDEO_X11_WMCLASS="RuneScape"
# Audio
#export SDL_AUDIODRIVER='pipewire'
export SDL_AUDIODRIVER='pulseaudio'
export PULSE_PROP_OVERRIDE="application.name='RuneScape' application.icon_name='runescape' media.role='game'"
# Display Server
#export SDL_VIDEODRIVER='wayland'
export SDL_VIDEODRIVER='x11'
# Custom
~/'.wine/RuneScape/Jagex/updater/runescape' --configURI $configURI $@
==== Modern Open/Mesa Graphics ====
* AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT
* Intel UHD Graphics 630
# Modern Open/Mesa Graphics
export MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DIR=~/'Jagex'
export MESA_NO_ERROR='1'
export mesa_glthread='true'
==== Zink ====
* https://docs.mesa3d.org/drivers/zink.html
# Zink
export MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DIR=~/'Jagex'
export GALLIUM_DRIVER='zink'
==== Old Intel Graphics ====
* Intel GMA 4500MHD
* :!: This hasn't been tested since 2019
* The graphics-related environment variables are for a Intel GMA 4500MHD GPU that barely reports OpenGL 2.0
* :!: ''MESA_GLSL_VERSION_OVERRIDE'' is required, and ''130'' is the lowest NXT will allow
* :!: ''MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE'' can be ''2.1'', but ''renderer'' in dev console doesn't expose GL extensions ((it's unknown if this causes any issues or improves anything))
* :!: This computer required graphics settings to be Low for any kind of playable FPS
# Old Intel Graphics
export MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DIR=~/'Jagex'
export mesa_glthread='true'
==== NVIDIA Proprietary ====
* :!: Expects use of the NVIDIA proprietary driver and not ''nouveau''
# NVIDIA Proprietary
export __GL_SHADER_DISK_CACHE_PATH=~/'Jagex'
==== Debugging ====
export MESA_DEBUG='1'
export LIBGL_DEBUG='verbose'
==== More Environment Variables ====
* See [[notes:wine]]
* https://docs.mesa3d.org/envvars.html
===== Clean Up =====
rm -f ~/'Downloads/Jagex Launcher Installer.exe' ~/'Downloads/'*'Jagex Launcher.zip' && cd ~ && sync
====== Settings ======
===== Game =====
==== Music Player ====
* See [[notes:runescape_music|RuneScape Music]]
==== Camera ====
* https://old.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/b5ga9y/resetdefault_camera_zoom_possible/ejdplsy/
* https://sqlitebrowser.org/dl/
* DB Browser for SQLite -> ''Settings.jcache''
* Browse Data -> Table: vt-varc -> KEY 1971 -> DATA
* Set ''DATA'' for KEY ''1971'' to NULL and restart client to have default camera distance ((the default value as of 2022/09/27 is ''4730''))
* In-game -> Settings -> Gameplay -> General -> Game Interaction -> [x] Lock zoom to prevent accidental changes
sudo dnf install 'sqlitebrowser' -y
sqlitebrowser ~/'Jagex/RuneScape/Settings.jcache'
===== Developer Console =====
==== GNOME Keybind ====
* Press ''Alt'' + ''~'' to access the console in-game
* This needs ran with GNOME since it binds Alt + ~ by-default
gsettings set 'org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings' 'switch-group' "['disabled']"
=== Keybind Reset ===
gsettings reset 'org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings' 'switch-group'
==== Commands ====
* Type ''help'' to see commands
* :!: FPS from ''displayfps'' being displayed lowers performance noticeably; it may be better to use ''GALLIUM_HUD'' if possible for performance statistics
===== Volume =====
==== Information ====
* Runescape's volume was lower than average with PulseAudio
* The following commands boosts RS's volume past 100%
* :!: This expects PulseAudio to be used ((PipeWire on Fedora 36 seems to have expected volume by-default))
* 2023/08/24: This was required on openSUSE TW
==== Get Index ====
* :!: If playing audio from another source, remove ''grep'', and ''Properties'' will present ''Runescape'' for the correct sink
pactl list sink-inputs | grep '#'
==== Set Volume ====
pactl set-sink-input-volume 'x' '155%'
===== Ping =====
nano '/tmp/rs3-ping.sh' && chmod +x '/tmp/rs3-ping.sh' && '/tmp/rs3-ping.sh'
for world in {1..141};
res=$(ping world${world}.runescape.com -c 1 2>&0 | grep "time=" | cut -d' ' -f 8,9 | cut -d'=' -f 2) && echo World ${world}: ${res};
====== Desktop Launcher ======
mkdir -p ~/'.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/Jagex' && nano ~/'.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/Jagex/RuneScape.desktop'
[Desktop Entry]
Exec='/bin/bash' -c "cd ~/'.wine/RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher' && MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DIR=~/'.wine/RuneScape' WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/RuneScape' wine ~/'.wine/RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher/JagexLauncher.exe' --disable-gpu --disable-software-rasterizer"
[Desktop Action Kill]
Exec='/bin/bash' -c "WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/RuneScape' wineserver --kill && killall -9 'rs2client' 'runescape' 'runescape-launcher'"
[Desktop Action Cache]
Exec='/bin/bash' -c "rm -Rf ~/'.runescape' ~/'.wine/RuneScape/Jagex/mesa_shader_cache' ~/'.wine/RuneScape/Jagex/GLCache' ~/'.wine/RuneScape/Jagex/launcher/instance.lock' ~/'.wine/RuneScape/Jagex/RuneScape/ShaderManager.jcache' '/tmp/runescape' && sync && notify-send 'The RuneScape cache has been cleaned.'"
Name=Cache Clean-up
[Desktop Action Notes]
Exec='/bin/bash' -c "gio open 'https://wiki.realmofespionage.xyz/games:wine:runescape_jagex_launcher'"
Name=Installation Notes
# End
====== Quick Commands ======
===== Winecfg =====
WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/RuneScape' winecfg
===== Winetricks =====
WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/RuneScape' winetricks
===== Registry Editor =====
WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/RuneScape' regedit
===== Kill =====
WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/RuneScape' wineserver --kill && killall' -9 'rs2client' 'runescape' 'runescape-launcher'
===== Execute =====
==== Jagex Launcher ====
cd ~/'.wine/RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher' &&
MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DIR=~/'.wine/RuneScape' WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/RuneScape' wine ~/'.wine/RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher/JagexLauncher.exe'
==== Troubleshooting ====
* Wine's virtual desktop may be necessary with certain desktop/window managers and with Wayland
explorer /desktop='Jagex-Launcher','1280x720'
--disable-gpu --disable-software-rasterizer
===== Jagex Launcher symlink =====
ln --backup --symbolic --force ~/'Jagex/updater/runescape-launcher' ~/'.wine/Jagex Launcher/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher/Games/RuneScape/RuneScape.exe'
==== Installer Version Check ====
* https://github.com/flathub/com.jagex.RuneScape/blob/master/com.jagex.RuneScape.json#L87
* https://content.runescape.com/downloads/ubuntu/pool/non-free/r/runescape-launcher/runescape-launcher_2.2.12_amd64.deb ((this should ''404''; if it doesn't then there's an updated package and the notes are referencing an older version number))
===== File Manager =====
==== Jagex Launcher ====
gio open ~/'.wine/RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher/'
==== Cache ====
* All the ''.jcache'' files can be backed-up and restored, but ideally exclude ''GlobalSettings.jcache'', ''ObjCache.jcache'', and ''ShaderManager.jcache'' ((2024/04/04: Full cache is around ''11.3 GB''))
mkdir -p ~/'Jagex/RuneScape' && gio open ~/'Jagex/RuneScape/'