====== Information ====== * Everything is ran on-premise self-hosted on bare-metal * No Docker, no containers, no VMs; no abstraction and all manually-configured * Completely transparent and reproducible * [[user;espionage724|I]] aim to prove the viability of self-hosting secure infrastructure and hope to encourage initiative! ====== Websites ====== * [[user:espionage724|Webmaster info]] * [[information;notable_changes|Notable infrastructure changes]] ===== Main ===== * https://realmofespionage.xyz/ * [[servers;windows;nginx;joomla|Notes]] * Joomla! * Hub for my profiles and websites ===== Wiki ===== * https://wiki.realmofespionage.xyz/ ((you are here :p)) * [[servers;windows;nginx;dokuwiki|Notes]] * DokuWiki * Documentations, code-snippets, quick notes ((the //pièce de résistance// 8-) )) * //Circa// [[https://gitlab.com/Espionage724/Linux/-/commit/057256363c60b1f774f3fe6ab916584cc6d5b673|March 2016]] ===== Media ===== * https://media.realmofespionage.xyz/ * [[servers;windows;nginx;piwigo|Notes]] * Piwigo * Pictures, videos ===== Blog ===== * https://blog.realmofespionage.xyz/ * [[servers;windows;nginx;wordpress|Notes]] * WordPress * Blog (thoughts, experiments, reviews) ====== Color Scheme ====== ===== Blue ===== * https://encycolorpedia.com/3d8bff 3D8BFF ===== Gray ===== * https://encycolorpedia.com/484848 484848 ===== Logo ===== ==== Concepts ==== * Footprint stepping into murky water portal half shadowy half light; initial portal logo concept as base * Grunge-style lettering/logos