====== Information ====== * Arch Linux Installation ====== Download ====== * https://www.archlinux.org/download ====== Installation Notes ====== * https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Installation_guide ====== Initial ====== ===== EFI Entry Wipe ===== * Repeat ''-b'' for every entry that appears with ''-v'' efibootmgr -v efibootmgr -b 0000 -B efibootmgr -b 0001 -B efibootmgr -O ===== Drive Wipe ===== * See [[linux;notes;drive_wipe|Drive Wipe]] for thorough erase * Change ''/dev/sda'' to match environment * Run the ''dd'' command for a few seconds or so just to wipe out any surviving disk/partition information at the beginning of the drive lsblk sgdisk --zap-all '/dev/sda' dd if='/dev/zero' of='/dev/sda' reboot ===== Test Internet ===== **** ping 'archlinux.org' ===== Wireless Connection ===== * ''iw dev'' is used to find the wireless interface name * If single wireless interface exists, no need to specify it iw dev wifi-menu -o 'wlp3s0' ===== Enable SSH ===== * Allows installation over SSH * ''ifconfig'' shows the IP address * Connect with the username ''root'' ip addr passwd systemctl start 'sshd' ===== Synchronize Time ===== **** timedatectl set-ntp 'true' ====== Disk Partitioning ====== * See [[linux;notes;arch_linux_partitioning|Partitioning]] ====== Install ====== ===== Update Mirrorlist ===== * Uncomment the commented Server URLs wget 'https://www.archlinux.org/mirrorlist/?country=US&protocol=https&ip_version=4' -O '/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist' nano '/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist' ==== Easy Update Mirrorlist ==== * Useful for copy/paste over SSH wget 'https://www.archlinux.org/mirrorlist/?country=US&protocol=https&ip_version=4' -O '/tmp/mirrorlist' && sed -i 's/#Server/Server/g' '/tmp/mirrorlist' && mv '/tmp/mirrorlist' '/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist' ===== Install ===== **** pacstrap -i '/mnt' 'base' 'base-devel' ====== Configuration ====== ===== fstab ===== **** genfstab -L '/mnt' >> '/mnt/etc/fstab' ===== chroot ===== **** arch-chroot '/mnt' ===== Time Zone ===== ln -s '/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York' '/etc/localtime' hwclock --systohc --utc ===== Locale ===== ==== Set locale.gen ==== * Uncomment ''en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8'' in ''locale.gen'' nano '/etc/locale.gen' ==== Set locale.conf ==== echo LANG='en_US.UTF-8' > '/etc/locale.conf' ==== Easy .conf and .gen Set ==== * Useful for copy/paste over SSH * This can be used instead of the two commands above sed -i 's/#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/g' '/etc/locale.gen' && echo LANG='en_US.UTF-8' > '/etc/locale.conf' ===== Generate ===== **** locale-gen ===== Hostname ===== * Change ''x'' to desired hostname echo 'x' > '/etc/hostname' ===== Pacman ===== * Uncomment ''Color'' and ''TotalDownload'' * Uncomment ''[multilib]'' and its following ''Include'' line on 64-bit installs if multilib is desired * Add ''ILoveCandy'' under Misc options nano '/etc/pacman.conf' pacman -Syyuu ===== NetworkManager ===== pacman -S 'networkmanager' systemctl enable 'NetworkManager' ===== F2FS ===== * If root partition is **F2FS**, this is mandatory pacman -S 'f2fs-tools' ===== OpenSSH ===== * This is needed for both the service and client pacman -S 'openssh' ===== Intel Microcode ===== **** pacman -S 'intel-ucode' ===== Root Password ===== **** passwd ===== Create User ===== * Change ''espionage724'' to desired username useradd -m -G 'wheel' -s '/bin/bash' 'espionage724' passwd 'espionage724' chfn 'espionage724' ===== Enable SSH ===== pacman -S 'openssh' nano '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' PermitRootLogin no systemctl enable 'sshd.socket' ===== sudo ===== * Uncomment ''%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL'' EDITOR='nano' visudo %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL ===== Nano as default editor ===== nano '/etc/sudoers.d/nano' Defaults editor = /usr/bin/nano ==== Easy Defaults editor ==== * Useful for copy/paste over SSH echo 'Defaults editor = /usr/bin/nano' > '/etc/sudoers.d/nano' ===== Allow nano text wrapping ===== nano '/etc/nanorc' set nowrap ==== Easy set nowrap ==== * Useful for copy/paste over SSH sed -i 's/# set nowrap/set nowrap/g' '/etc/nanorc' ====== Initramfs ====== * Modules line is needed only if root partition is F2FS * Add ''lvm2'' between ''block'' and ''filesystems'' hooks if using LVM * Add ''encrypt'' between ''block'' and ''filesystems'' hooks, but before ''lvm2'' for encrypted root partition * Add ''COMPRESSION=cat'' to disable image compression ===== Options ===== nano '/etc/mkinitcpio.conf' MODULES="f2fs crc32 libcrc32c crc32c_generic crc32c-intel crc32-pclmul" HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block encrypt lvm2 filesystems keyboard fsck" COMPRESSION=cat ===== Generate ===== **** mkinitcpio -P ====== Boot Loader ====== ===== systemd-boot ===== * For GPT/EFI set-ups ==== Install ==== **** bootctl install ==== Entry ==== * Add ''cryptdevice=/dev/sda2:lvm'' to options if encrypted * Change ''root='' to ''/dev/mapper/arch-root'' if using LVM * Remove ''initrd /intel-ucode.img'' if not using an Intel processor nano '/boot/loader/entries/linux-kernel.conf' title Arch Linux (linux-kernel) linux /vmlinuz-linux initrd /initramfs-linux.img initrd /intel-ucode.img options root=/dev/sda2 rw quiet ==== Loader ==== nano '/boot/loader/loader.conf' timeout 2 default linux-kernel editor 0 ===== GRUB ===== * For MBR/Legacy set-ups ==== Install ==== pacman -S 'grub' grub-install --target='i386-pc' '/dev/sda' ==== Settings ==== nano '/etc/default/grub' GRUB_TIMEOUT 2 ==== Finalize ==== **** grub-mkconfig -o '/boot/grub/grub.cfg' ===== Finalize ===== sync exit umount -R '/mnt' poweroff ====== Continue ====== * [[linux;distros;arch_linux_kde|Arch Linux (Plasma)]] ====== Notable Folders and Commands ====== ===== Show CPU Frequency ===== grep 'MHz' '/proc/cpuinfo' watch -n 0.1 grep \'cpu MHz\' '/proc/cpuinfo' ===== Partition Information ===== **** df -hT ===== hdparm Secure Erase ===== lsblk hdparm -I '/dev/sda' | grep 'not' hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass 'x' '/dev/sda' hdparm --user-master u --security-erase 'x' '/dev/sda'