====== Information ====== * Headless VLC setup using cvlc * Plays internet radio * [[#remote_actions|Remote Actions]] shortcut ====== Prerequisites ====== * [[linux;distros;raspbian|Raspbian]] ====== Dependencies ====== **** sudo apt install 'vlc-nox' ====== Volume ====== **** alsamixer ====== Service ====== * If [[servers;linux;pi-hole|Pi-hole]] is not being ran on the same Pi, remove ''pihole-FTL.service'' from ''After'' ((this is done to make sure cvlc starts after the DNS is up)) * See [[personal;internet_radio|Internet Radio Stations]] for more stations sudo -e '/etc/systemd/system/vlc-dedi.service' && sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl enable 'vlc-dedi' && sudo systemctl start 'vlc-dedi' && sudo systemctl status 'vlc-dedi' -l [Unit] Description=VLC Headless Internet Radio Player After=network-online.target pihole-FTL.service Wants=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple User=pi Group=pi Restart=always RestartSec=5 #~~~~~~~~~~ # Big B Radio #KPOP #ExecStart=/usr/bin/cvlc '' #~~~~~~~~~~ # Blue Heron Radio #ExecStart=/usr/bin/cvlc 'http://sc6.shoutcaststreaming.us:8016' #~~~~~~~~~~ # Gensokyo Radio #ExecStart=/usr/bin/cvlc 'http://stream.gensokyoradio.net:8000/stream' #~~~~~~~~~~ # TRAP.FM ExecStart=/usr/bin/cvlc 'http://stream.trap.fm:6002' #~~~~~~~~~~ # Dubbase.FM #ExecStart=/usr/bin/cvlc 'http://stream.dubbase.fm:7002' #~~~~~~~~~~ # DrumandBass.FM #ExecStart=/usr/bin/cvlc 'http://stream.drumandbass.fm:9002' #~~~~~~~~~~ ProtectSystem=true PrivateTmp=true ProtectKernelTunables=true ProtectKernelModules=true ProtectControlGroups=true RestrictNamespaces=true MemoryDenyWriteExecute=true RestrictRealtime=true NoNewPrivileges=true PrivateUsers=true LockPersonality=true [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ====== Remote Actions ====== ===== Station Change ===== **** ssh 'pi'@'' -t "sudo -e '/etc/systemd/system/vlc-dedi.service' && sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart 'vlc-dedi'" ===== Stop ===== **** ssh 'pi'@'' -t "sudo systemctl disable 'vlc-dedi' --now" ===== Start ===== **** ssh 'pi'@'' -t "sudo systemctl enable 'vlc-dedi' --now" ====== Chromecast Notes ====== * :!: Both Windows Firewall and firewalld from openSUSE TW actively block this; TODO: Figure out firewall rules * Create speaker Group (not pair) and add all speakers to it * Install PyChromecast * Use it to scan for the speaker group URL and port * https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?t=143114#p497156 pip3 install PyChromecast python import pychromecast chromecasts = pychromecast.get_chromecasts() chromecasts vlc.exe "" --sout "#chromecast" --sout-chromecast-ip= --demux-filter=demux_chromecast --sout-chromecast-port=32077