====== Information ====== * OpenSSH client notes * See [[servers;linux;openssh_server|OpenSSH Server]] notes for servers ====== Generate SSH Keys ====== ===== Information ===== * Can generate both a standard keypair and one for a hardware key * Hardware key will be used first if it's plugged-in ===== Standard ===== * [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SSH_keys#Ed25519|ArchWiki]] ssh-keygen -t 'ed25519' ===== FIDO/U2F Key ===== * [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/YubiKey#OpenSSH|ArchWiki]] * Works with [[https://solokeys.com/|Solo]] * :!: ''ed25519-sk'' didn't work with Solo 4.0.0 ssh-keygen -t 'ecdsa-sk' ====== Send Public Key to Server ====== * Change ''x'' to IP ssh-copy-id 'espionage724'@'x' ====== Force Public Key Login ====== * [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/OpenSSH#Force_public_key_authentication|ArchWiki]] sudo -e '/etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/pubkey-only-custom.conf' PasswordAuthentication no AuthenticationMethods publickey ====== Manage Keys ====== ===== Backup ===== **** tar -cvzf ~/'Documents/'$(date +%Y-%m-%d)'-ssh-keys.tar.gz' -C ~ '.ssh' && ls ~/'Documents/'*'-ssh-keys.tar.gz' && sync ===== Restore ===== **** ls ~/'Documents/'*'-ssh-keys.tar.gz' && rm -Rf ~/'.ssh' && tar -xvzf ~/'Documents/'*'-ssh-keys.tar.gz' -C ~ '.ssh' && sync