====== Information ====== * Samba ((https://www.samba.org/)) ===== Prerequisites ===== * [[distros:fedora_workstation_gnome|Fedora]] ((notes link to Workstation, but this can be done on Server)) * [[servers;linux;vsftpd|vsftpd]] ((''vsftpd'' isn't specifically required, but these notes expect the shared folder mentioned to already be mounted in ''fstab'')) ===== Notes ===== * :!: SMB **cannot** be used to serve media to Kodi clients with this config as it breaks filenames with special characters ((such as the colon in "Title: The Movie")), this can be worked-around, but there's no known benefits over FTP ====== Dependencies ====== **** sudo dnf install 'samba' ====== Firewall ====== **** sudo firewall-cmd --add-service='samba' --permanent && sudo firewall-cmd --reload ====== Service ====== **** sudo systemctl enable 'smb' --now ====== Settings ====== * Add to the bottom of the file sudo -e '/etc/samba/smb.conf' && sudo systemctl restart 'smb' [Music] comment = Music at %h path = /var/ftp/nas2/Music browsable = yes guest ok = yes read only = yes ====== Add User ====== * :!: The password can be anything here, but recommended **not to be an important password** sudo smbpasswd -a 'espionage724' ====== Moode Audio ====== * Type: ''SMB'' * Path: '''' * User ID: ''espionage724'' ===== Mount Flags ===== **** ro,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777,vers=3.0