====== Information ====== * Transmission ((https://transmissionbt.com)) ===== Prerequisites ===== * [[linux;distros;server;ubuntu_server|Ubuntu Server]] ====== Dependencies ====== **** sudo apt install transmission-daemon rename ====== Firewall ====== * 51413/tcp and 51413/udp is Peer Listening * 9091/tcp is Web Interface sudo -e '/etc/ufw/applications.d/custom' && sudo ufw allow 'transmission-custom' [transmission-custom] title=transmission-custom description=Transmission ports=51413,9091/tcp|51413/udp ====== Service ====== ===== Disable Main ===== **** sudo systemctl disable 'transmission-daemon' --now ===== Drop-in ===== sudo systemctl edit 'transmission-daemon' && sudo systemctl enable 'transmission-daemon' --now [Service] User=espionage724 Group=espionage724 ====== Settings ====== * Missing settings will be automatically added to the config file with default values when Transmission starts * All lines must end with a comma and space, except the last line, which only ends in a space sync && sudo systemctl stop 'transmission-daemon' && mkdir -p ~/'.config' && nano ~/'.config/transmission-daemon/settings.json' && sudo systemctl start 'transmission-daemon' { "cache-size-mb": 256, "download-dir": "/srv/ftp/nas1/espionage724/Torrents/Sows", "download-queue-size": 3, "peer-limit-global": 1000, "peer-limit-per-torrent": 200, "rpc-whitelist": "192.168.1.*,10.8.0.*", "speed-limit-down": 600, "speed-limit-down-enabled": true, "speed-limit-up": 100, "speed-limit-up-enabled": true } ===== Batch-add Torrents ===== * If needing to add a bunch of torrents * TODO: I'm thinking change ''download-dir'' first before loading torrents, and only load that folder up with torrents from a specific tracker mkdir -p '/srv/ftp/nas1/espionage724/Torrents/Torrent Queue' "watch-dir": "/srv/ftp/nas1/espionage724/Torrents/Torrent Queue", "watch-dir-enabled": true ====== Torrents ====== ===== added-torrent Rename ===== * https://trac.transmissionbt.com/ticket/3523 cd '/srv/ftp/nas1/espionage724/Torrents/Torrent Queue' && rename 's/\.torrent.added$/\.torrent/' *.torrent.added