and add to PATH
pip install "certbot"
pip install --upgrade "certbot"
must-staple = true
is disabled due to being incompatible with Firefox 4)MKDIR "%SystemDrive%\Certbot\"
notepad++ "%SystemDrive%\Certbot\cli-custom.ini"
verbose = true text = true non-interactive = true standalone = true force-renewal = true agree-tos = true ########## #CHANGEME# ########## email = espionage724@x ########## #CHANGEME# ########## no-eff-email = true rsa-key-size = 4096 redirect = true hsts = true uir = true staple-ocsp = true domains = realmofespionage.xyz, blog.realmofespionage.xyz, files.realmofespionage.xyz, media.realmofespionage.xyz, social.realmofespionage.xyz, test.realmofespionage.xyz, wiki.realmofespionage.xyz, wow.realmofespionage.xyz # End
certbot "certonly" --config "%SystemDrive%\Certbot\cli-custom.ini" --dry-run
notepad++ "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Certbot Cert Renewal.bat"
:: Stop nginx CD "%SystemDrive%\nginx-"*"\" "nginx.exe" -s quit :: Update pip CD "%ProgramFiles%\Python"*"\" "python.exe" -m "pip" install --upgrade "pip" --quiet :: Update Certbot pip install --upgrade "certbot" --quiet :: Renew Certs certbot "certonly" --config "%SystemDrive%\Certbot\cli-custom.ini" --quiet :: Start nginx CD "%SystemDrive%\nginx-"*"\" START cmd.exe /c "nginx.exe" :: End
"%UserProfile%\Desktop\Certbot Cert Renewal.bat"