====== Information ====== * Fedora Server ((https://getfedora.org/en/server)) * 39 ====== Installation Notes ====== * Do not create a separate ''swap'' partition ((it's handled automatically by zswap)) ====== Download ====== * https://getfedora.org/en/server/download ====== PackageKit ====== * :!: PackageKit was caught using hundreds of MB of RAM while not actively using it ((PackageKit was using 600MB idle on a 8GB server ''php-fpm'' was around 40MB)) * Apparently it only provides the package name for commands not found * :!: TODO: Figure out how to prevent it from being reinstalled sudo dnf remove PackageKit* ====== HOSTS ====== * https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts/ * Unified hosts + fakenews + gambling + porn + social ===== Initial ===== * Only run once ls '/etc/hosts~' || wget -O '/tmp/hosts-tmp' 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/fakenews-gambling-porn-social/hosts' && sudo cp --backup '/tmp/hosts-tmp' '/etc/hosts' && sudo restorecon -F -I -R '/etc/hosts' && sync ===== Update ===== **** ls '/etc/hosts~' && wget -O '/tmp/hosts-tmp' 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/alternates/fakenews-gambling-porn-social/hosts' && sudo mv --force '/tmp/hosts-tmp' '/etc/hosts' && sudo restorecon -F -I -R '/etc/hosts' && sync ===== Restore Backup ===== **** ls '/etc/hosts~' && sudo restorecon -F -I -R '/etc/hosts~' && sudo mv --force '/etc/hosts~' '/etc/hosts' && sync ====== DNF ====== * Disables Delta RPMs with ''deltarpm=false'' echo 'deltarpm=false' | sudo tee --append '/etc/dnf/dnf.conf' > '/dev/null' && cat '/etc/dnf/dnf.conf' | grep 'deltarpm=false' sudo -e '/etc/dnf/dnf.conf' ====== Software ====== ===== Update ===== * :!: See [[distros:fedora_workstation_gnome#dnf_autoremove_fix]] if ''dnf autoremove'' fails sudo dnf autoremove -y && sudo dnf distro-sync -y && sync ===== Firmware ===== **** sudo fwupdmgr refresh --force && sudo fwupdmgr update --verbose ===== GNU nano ===== * Installs ''nano'' * Sets ''VISUAL'' and ''EDITOR'' to ''nano'' via environment variable * Sets ''nowrap'' for current user sudo dnf install 'nano' -y && export 'VISUAL=nano' && export 'EDITOR=nano' && echo -e 'export VISUAL=nano\nexport EDITOR=nano' | sudo tee '/etc/profile.d/editor-nano.sh' > '/dev/null' && cat '/etc/profile.d/editor-nano.sh' && mkdir -p ~/'.config/nano' && echo 'set nowrap' | tee ~/'.config/nano/nanorc' > '/dev/null' && cat ~/'.config/nano/nanorc' ===== General ===== * TODO: Figure out ''policycoreutils-devel'' sudo dnf install aria2 binutils hdparm htop kernel-tools lm_sensors openssl1.1 p7zip p7zip-plugins unar wget policycoreutils-devel ====== Settings ====== ===== Laptop Server ===== * This tells ''systemd'' to ignore Lid close events and prevents system suspend ((2023/07/14: Oak was changed from a Phenom II X4 desktop to a X230 laptop; no more NAS but it was rarely-used and I have external drives)) sudo mkdir -p '/etc/systemd/logind.conf.d' && echo -e "[Login]\nHandleLidSwitch=ignore" | sudo tee '/etc/systemd/logind.conf.d/99-laptop-server.conf' > '/dev/null' sudo -e '/etc/systemd/logind.conf.d/99-laptop-server.conf' ===== Network ===== ==== Anaconda ==== * [[notes:dns_servers#quad9|Quad9]], see [[notes:dns_servers]] for other servers, 2620:fe::fe,2620:fe::9 ==== systemd-resolved ==== * systemd-resolved caches DNS * [[notes:dns_servers#quad9|Quad9]], see [[notes:dns_servers]] for other servers sudo mkdir -p '/etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d' && sudo -e '/etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/99-dns-over-tls.conf' [Resolve] DNS= 2620:fe::fe#dns.quad9.net 2620:fe::9#dns.quad9.net DNSOverTLS=yes === NetworkManager === * Change ''ens3'' as-needed nmcli connection show sudo nmcli connection modify 'ens3' 'ipv4.dns' ',,' sudo nmcli connection modify 'ens3' 'ipv6.dns' '::1,2620:fe::fe,2620:fe::9' ===== Hostname ===== * Change ''x'' to computer name * Likely not needed if set through Anaconda hostnamectl set-hostname 'x' ===== lm_sensors ===== sudo sensors-detect --auto sudo -e '/etc/sysconfig/lm_sensors' ===== Secure Shell ===== * See [[clients:secure_shell|Client]] notes to generate/restore public key ===== Drive Maintenance ===== ==== Trim ==== **** sudo systemctl enable 'fstrim.timer' --now && sudo systemctl start 'fstrim' && sync && sudo systemctl status 'fstrim' -l ===== UTC ===== * [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/System_time#Time_standard|System time - ArchWiki]] * Set RTC to UTC sudo timedatectl set-local-rtc '0' ==== Verify ==== **** timedatectl | grep local ====== Automatic Updates ====== ===== Service ===== sudo -e '/etc/systemd/system/fedora-up.service' [Service] Type=oneshot ExecStartPre='/usr/bin/dnf' clean 'all' ExecStart='/usr/bin/dnf' distro-sync -y ExecStart='/usr/bin/dnf' autoremove -y ExecStartPost='/usr/bin/sync' ExecStartPost='/usr/bin/systemctl' reboot ===== Timer ===== * ''00:00'' Oak sudo -e '/etc/systemd/system/fedora-up.timer' && sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl enable 'fedora-up.timer' --now [Unit] Description=Software Package Maintenance and Updater After=network-online.target Wants=network-online.target [Timer] OnCalendar=*-*-* 00:00:00 Persistent=true [Install] WantedBy=timers.target ====== Notable Folders and Commands ====== * See [[notes:misc_linux]] ===== Firewalld ===== * See [[notes:misc_linux#firewalld|Firewalld notes]]