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clients:cvlc [2022/05/19 21:02] Sean Rhoneclients:cvlc [2024/08/13 18:39] (current) – removed Sean Rhone
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-====== Information ====== 
-  * Headless VLC setup using cvlc 
-  * Plays internet radio 
-  * [[#remote_actions|Remote Actions]] shortcut 
-====== Prerequisites ====== 
-  * [[Distros:Raspbian]] 
-====== Dependencies ====== 
-  sudo apt install 'vlc-nox' 
-====== Volume ====== 
-  alsamixer 
-====== Service ====== 
-  * If [[servers:pi-hole|Pi-hole]] is not being ran on the same Pi, remove ''pihole-FTL.service'' from ''After'' ((this is done to make sure cvlc starts after the DNS is up)) 
-  * See [[information:internet_radio|Internet Radio Stations]] for more stations 
-  sudo -e '/etc/systemd/system/vlc-dedi.service' && sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl enable 'vlc-dedi' && sudo systemctl start 'vlc-dedi' && sudo systemctl status 'vlc-dedi' -l 
-Description=VLC Headless Internet Radio Player pihole-FTL.service 
-# Big B Radio #KPOP 
-#ExecStart=/usr/bin/cvlc '' 
-# Blue Heron Radio 
-#ExecStart=/usr/bin/cvlc '' 
-# Gensokyo Radio 
-#ExecStart=/usr/bin/cvlc '' 
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/cvlc '' 
-# Dubbase.FM 
-#ExecStart=/usr/bin/cvlc '' 
-# DrumandBass.FM 
-#ExecStart=/usr/bin/cvlc '' 
-====== Remote Actions ====== 
-===== Station Change ===== 
-  ssh 'pi'@'' -t "sudo -e '/etc/systemd/system/vlc-dedi.service' && sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart 'vlc-dedi'" 
-===== Stop ===== 
-  ssh 'pi'@'' -t "sudo systemctl disable 'vlc-dedi' --now" 
-===== Start ===== 
-  ssh 'pi'@'' -t "sudo systemctl enable 'vlc-dedi' --now" 
-====== Chromecast Notes ====== 
-  * Create speaker Group (not pair) and add all speakers to it 
-  * Install PyChromecast 
-  * Use it to scan for the speaker group URL and port 
-  * 
-  pip3 install PyChromecast 
-  python 
-  import pychromecast 
-  chromecasts = pychromecast.get_chromecasts() 
-  chromecasts 
-  vlc.exe ""  --sout "#chromecast" --sout-chromecast-ip= --demux-filter=demux_chromecast --sout-chromecast-port=32077 
C:/www/wiki/data/attic/clients/cvlc.1653008561.txt.gz · Last modified: (external edit)