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distros:fedora_server [2019/02/13 18:44] Sean Rhonedistros:fedora_server [2019/06/28 12:24] Sean Rhone
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Information ======
 +  * Fedora Server ((
 +  * 30
 +====== Download ======
 +  *
 +====== DNF ======
 +  * Disables Delta RPMs with ''deltarpm=false''
 +  cat '/etc/dnf/dnf.conf' | grep 'deltarpm=false' || echo 'deltarpm=false' | sudo tee --append '/etc/dnf/dnf.conf' > '/dev/null' && cat '/etc/dnf/dnf.conf'
 +====== Software ======
 +===== Update =====
 +  sudo dnf clean 'all' && sudo dnf distro-sync -y && sudo dnf autoremove -y && sync
 +===== GNU nano =====
 +  * Installs ''nano''
 +  * Sets ''VISUAL'' and ''EDITOR'' to ''nano'' via environment variable
 +  * Sets ''nowrap'' for current user
 +  sudo dnf install 'nano' -y && export 'VISUAL=nano' && export 'EDITOR=nano' && echo -e 'export VISUAL=nano\nexport EDITOR=nano' | sudo tee '/etc/profile.d/' > '/dev/null' && cat '/etc/profile.d/' && mkdir -p ~/'.config/nano' && echo 'set nowrap' | tee ~/'.config/nano/nanorc' > '/dev/null' && cat ~/'.config/nano/nanorc'
 +===== General =====
 +  sudo dnf install htop
 +  p7zip unar aria2
 +  policycoreutils-devel
 +====== USB Backups ======
 +===== Drive Mount =====
 +  * Expects single-partition flash drive with ext4
 +  * TODO: If multiple drives beyond sda main and sdb USB are ever involved, use UUID instead
 +  sudo mkdir -p '/mnt/USB' && sudo -e '/etc/fstab'
 +  # USB Backup
 +  /dev/sdb1 /mnt/USB ext4 defaults 0 2
 +===== Service =====
 +  mkdir -p ~/'backups' && sudo -e '/etc/systemd/system/usb-b.service'
 +  [Service]
 +  Type=oneshot
 +  ExecStart='/usr/bin/rsync' -r '/home/espionage724/backups' '/mnt/USB' -v --ignore-existing
 +===== Timer =====
 +  * See server-specific configurations to make use of this
 +  sudo -e '/etc/systemd/system/usb-b.timer' && sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl enable 'usb-b.timer' --now
 +  [Unit]
 +  Description=USB Backup
 +  [Timer]
 +  OnCalendar=*-*-* 04:00:00
 +  Persistent=true
 +  [Install]
 +===== SELinux =====
 +==== Switch to Permissive ====
 +  sudo setenforce '0'
 +==== Clear Audit Log ====
 +  su
 +  > '/var/log/audit/audit.log'
 +==== Start Services ====
 +  sudo systemctl start 'usb-b'
 +==== Create Policy ====
 +  sudo audit2allow -a -M 'usb-b'
 +==== Install Policy ====
 +  sudo semodule -i 'usb-b.pp'
 +==== Switch to Enforcing ====
 +  sudo setenforce '1'
 +==== Clean Up ====
 +  sudo rm usb-b.pp usb-b.te && sync
 +====== Automatic Updates ======
 +===== Service =====
 +  * TODO: If this ever fails because of the modular repo not being available, look into auto-restart
 +  sudo -e '/etc/systemd/system/fedora-up.service'
 +ExecStartPre='/usr/bin/dnf' clean 'all'
 +ExecStart='/usr/bin/dnf' distro-sync -y
 +ExecStart='/usr/bin/dnf' autoremove -y
 +ExecStartPost='/usr/bin/systemctl' reboot</code>
 +===== Timer =====
 +  * 06:10 Kraityn
 +  * 06:20 Alira
 +  * 06:30 Oak
 +  sudo -e '/etc/systemd/system/fedora-up.timer' && sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl enable 'fedora-up.timer' --now
 +Description=Software Package Maintenance and Updater
 +OnCalendar=*-*-* 06:10:00
 +====== Notable Folders and Commands ======
 +===== YUM/DNF Repos =====
 +  /etc/yum.repos.d
 +===== fstrim =====
 +  sudo fstrim -v --all
 +===== SELinux Re-label =====
 +  sudo touch '/.autorelabel'
 +===== Show CPU Frequency =====
 +  grep 'MHz' '/proc/cpuinfo'
 +  watch -n 0.1 grep \'cpu MHz\' '/proc/cpuinfo'
 +===== Partition Information =====
 +  df -hT
 +===== Optimal GCC compiler flags =====
 +  gcc -v -E -x c -march=native -mtune=native - < /dev/null 2>&1 | grep cc1 | perl -pe 's/ -mno-\S+//g; s/^.* - //g;'
 +===== FirewallD =====
 +==== List Active Rules ====
 +  sudo firewall-cmd --list-all
 +==== List Available Services ====
 +  sudo firewall-cmd --get-service
 +==== Reload ====
 +  sudo firewall-cmd --reload
 +==== Add/Remove Service ====
 +  * Add ''--permanent'' as-needed to allow the rule to persist
 +  sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=x
 +  sudo firewall-cmd --remove-service=x
 +==== Add/Remove Port ====
 +  * Add ''--permanent'' as-needed to allow the rule to persist
 +  * Change ''tcp'' to ''udp'' as-needed
 +  sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=x/tcp
 +  sudo firewall-cmd --remove-port=x/tcp
/var/www/wiki/data/pages/distros/fedora_server.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/05 15:40 by Sean Rhone