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games:minecraft_java [2020/03/23 18:31] Sean Rhone
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Information ======
 +  * Minecraft ((
 +  * Java Edition ((
 +===== Prerequisites =====
 +  * [[distros:fedora_workstation_gnome|Fedora Workstation]]
 +===== Notes =====
 +  * TODO
 +====== Install ======
 +===== Java =====
 +  sudo dnf install 'java-latest-openjdk' && sync
 +==== Set Default Java ====
 +  sudo update-alternatives --config 'java'
 +===== Minecraft =====
 +  rm -Rf ~/'minecraft-launcher' && wget -O '/tmp/Minecraft.tar.gz' '' && cd ~ && tar -xvzf '/tmp/Minecraft.tar.gz' 'minecraft-launcher' && rm -f '/tmp/Minecraft.tar.gz' && sync
 +====== Desktop Launcher ======
 +===== Old School RuneScape =====
 +  * :!: Change ''opengl'' and ''uiScale'' flags as-needed
 +  mkdir -p ~/'.local/share/applications' && nano ~/'.local/share/applications/Old School RuneScape.desktop'
 +[Desktop Entry]
 +Name=Old School RuneScape
 +Comment=Relive the challenging levelling system and risk-it-all PvP of the biggest retro styled MMO. Play with millions of other players in this piece of online gaming heritage where the community controls the development so the game is truly what you want it to be!
 +Exec='/usr/bin/java' -Duser.home='/home/CHANGEME/runescape/oldschool' -Djava.class.path='/home/CHANGEME/runescape/oldschool/jagexappletviewer.jar' -Dcom.jagex.config='' -Dhttps.protocols='TLSv1.2' -Xms'768M' -Xmx'768M' -Djava.system.class.loader='app.systemclassloader' -Dswing.crossplatformlaf='' -Dsun.java2d.opengl='false' -Dsun.java2d.uiScale='1' 'jagexappletviewer' 'oldschool'
 +[Desktop Action GL]
 +Exec='/usr/bin/java' -Duser.home='/home/CHANGEME/runescape/oldschool' -Djava.class.path='/home/CHANGEME/runescape/oldschool/jagexappletviewer.jar' -Dcom.jagex.config='' -Dhttps.protocols='TLSv1.2' -Xms'768M' -Xmx'768M' -Djava.system.class.loader='app.systemclassloader' -Dswing.crossplatformlaf='' -Dsun.java2d.opengl='true' -Dsun.java2d.uiScale='1' 'jagexappletviewer' 'oldschool'
 +Name=Start with OpenGL acceleration
 +[Desktop Action Screen]
 +Exec='/usr/bin/wmctrl' -r 'Old School RuneScape' -b toggle,fullscreen -F
 +Name=Toggle Fullscreen/Windowed
 +[Desktop Action Cache]
 +Exec='/bin/bash' -c "rm -Rf '/home/CHANGEME/runescape/oldschool/jagexcache' '/home/CHANGEME/runescape/oldschool/jagexappletviewer.preferences' '/home/CHANGEME/runescape/oldschool/jagex_cl_oldschool_LIVE.dat' '/home/CHANGEME/runescape/oldschool/random.dat' '/home/CHANGEME/runescape/oldschool/'*'.log' '/home/CHANGEME/runescape/oldschool/.java' '/tmp/oldschool' && sync && notify-send 'The Old School RuneScape cache has been cleaned.'"
 +Name=Cache Cleanup</code>
 +  sed -i 's/'CHANGEME'/'$USER'/g' ~/'.local/share/applications/Old School RuneScape.desktop'
 +====== Quick Commands ======
 +===== Clear Cache =====
 +  rm -Rf ~/'runescape/oldschool/jagexcache' ~/'runescape/oldschool/jagexappletviewer.preferences' ~/'runescape/oldschool/jagex_cl_oldschool_LIVE.dat' ~/'runescape/oldschool/random.dat' '/tmp/oldschool' && sync
 +===== Execute =====
 +==== Old School RuneScape ====
 +  * See [[notes:java_flags|Java Flags]] for flags that can be added to this
 +  cd ~/'runescape/oldschool' && java -Duser.home='.' -Djava.class.path='jagexappletviewer.jar' -Dcom.jagex.config='' -Dhttps.protocols='TLSv1.2' -Dsun.java2d.opengl='false' -Dsun.java2d.uiScale='1' 'jagexappletviewer' 'oldschool'
 +<code>-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseShenandoahGC -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -Xms'512M' -Xmx'512M' -XX:-UseBiasedLocking -XX:+DisableExplicitGC</code>
 +===== File Manager =====
 +==== Root ====
 +  gio open ~/'runescape/oldschool'
 +===== Testing =====
 +==== jagexappletviewer.jar ====
 +  * :!: ''jagexappletviewer.jar'' has varying filesizes depending on where it's sourced from, along with different functionality depending on the host operating system ((see the [[#copyright_footer|copyright footer notes]] above))
 +=== Windows ===
 +  * Extracts ''jagexappletviewer.jar'' from ''OldSchool.msi'' and requires ''7z''
 +  * Places it at ''~/Downloads/windows-jagexappletviewer.jar''
 +  rm -Rf '/tmp/oldschool' && mkdir -p '/tmp/oldschool' && wget -O '/tmp/oldschool/OldSchool.msi' '' && 7z e -o'/tmp/oldschool/OldSchool-msi' -y '/tmp/oldschool/OldSchool.msi' && 7z e -o'/tmp/oldschool/rslauncher-cab' -y '/tmp/oldschool/OldSchool-msi/' && cp '/tmp/oldschool/rslauncher-cab/JagexAppletViewerJarFile'* ~/'Downloads/windows-jagexappletviewer.jar' && rm -Rf '/tmp/oldschool' && sync
 +=== macOS ===
 +  * Extracts ''jagexappletviewer.jar'' from ''OldSchool.dmg'' and requires ''7z''
 +  * Places it at ''~/Downloads/macos-jagexappletviewer.jar''
 +  rm -Rf '/tmp/oldschool' && mkdir -p '/tmp/oldschool' && wget -O '/tmp/oldschool/OldSchool.dmg' '' && 7z e -o'/tmp/oldschool/OldSchool-dmg' -y '/tmp/oldschool/OldSchool.dmg' && cp '/tmp/oldschool/OldSchool-dmg/jagexappletviewer.jar' ~/'Downloads/macos-jagexappletviewer.jar' && rm -Rf '/tmp/oldschool' && sync
 +=== Generic ===
 +  * Downloads ''jagexappletviewer.jar'' directly with ''wget'' ((no idea what this version actually is or what platform it's for))
 +  * Places it at ''~/Downloads/generic-jagexappletviewer.jar''
 +  wget -O ~/'Downloads/generic-jagexappletviewer.jar' '' && sync
 +===== Android =====
 +  * TODO
 +  am start -n ''
 +  am force-stop ''
 +===== Windows =====
 +==== Create Directory ====
 +  * Alternatively, use Explorer to make the ''runescape'' folder in the ''User'' folder and ''runescape\oldschool''
 +  if not exist %UserProfile%"\runescape\oldschool" mkdir %UserProfile%"\runescape\oldschool"
 +  start %UserProfile%"\runescape"
 +==== Java ====
 +  * Download the Windows ''.zip'' of the latest Java package from
 +  * Extract the root folder from the archive and drop it in the ''runescape'' folder
 +  * Folder structure should be ''%UserProfile%\runescape\jdk-14''
 +  * ''javaw.exe'' should exist at ''%UserProfile%\runescape\jdk-14\bin\javaw.exe''
 +==== jagexappletviewer.jar ====
 +  * Extract it from the macOS ''Oldschool.dmg'' installer
 +  * Should reside at ''%UserProfile%\runescape\oldschool\jagexappletviewer.jar''
 +==== Batch File ====
 +  * Should reside at ''%UserProfile%\runescape\osrs.cmd''
 +  * The usual command-line arguments above can be tossed in or altered as-needed
 +cd "jdk-"*"\bin"
 +start javaw.exe -Djava.system.class.loader="app.systemclassloader" -Duser.home="..\..\oldschool" -Djava.class.path="..\..\oldschool\jagexappletviewer.jar" -Dcom.jagex.config="" -Dhttps.protocols="TLSv1.2" -Xms"768M" -Xmx"768M" -Dsun.java2d.uiScale="1" "jagexappletviewer" "oldschool"</code>
 +===== macOS =====
 +  * need macOS dmg .jar
 +  * Need OpenJDK 13 or something in the ''~/runescape'' folder
 +  * OpenJDK 9 had GPU usage and lower FPS
 +  * Need ''-Djava.system.class.loader=app.systemclassloader''
 +  rm -Rf ~/'runescape/oldschool' && mkdir -p ~/'runescape/oldschool' && curl '' -o ~/'runescape/oldschool/jagexappletviewer.jar' && curl '' -o ~/'runescape/oldschool/jagexappletviewer.png' && sync
 +#!/usr/bin/env zsh
 +cd ~/'runescape/oldschool'
 +~/'runescape/jdk-13.0.1.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java' -Djava.system.class.loader='app.systemclassloader' -Duser.home='.' -Djava.class.path='jagexappletviewer.jar' -Dcom.jagex.config='' -Dhttps.protocols='TLSv1.2' -Xms'768M' -Xmx'768M' -Dsun.java2d.opengl='false' -Dsun.java2d.uiScale='2' 'jagexappletviewer' 'oldschool'</code>
/var/www/wiki/data/pages/games/minecraft_java.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/24 06:50 by Sean Rhone