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This is an old revision of the document!


  • Standalone
  • 64-bit
  • :!: 2022/10/01: This does not work as-is with Wine Staging as it needs a patch 1), therefore either a custom Wine package is needed, Lutris, or Steam/Proton (TODO: Get the actual issue report URL for it)

Wine Resources



  • -dx9single reduces performance when Esync is enabled by at least 15 FPS


Guild Wars 2

  • Install to default directory when prompted 3)
  • Log-in when launcher progresses enough
  • Ideally save the username and password, and enable Auto-play
  • Close the launcher
mkdir -p ~/'Wine Prefixes' ~/'Downloads/Guild Wars 2' && wget -O ~/'Downloads/Guild Wars 2/Gw2Setup.exe' '' && WINEPREFIX=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' WINEARCH='win64' wine ~/'Downloads/Guild Wars 2/Gw2Setup.exe'

Restore Gw2.dat

  • This expects Gw2.dat in the ~/Downloads/Guild Wars 2 folder
mv ~/'Downloads/Guild Wars 2/Gw2.dat' ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/Program Files/Guild Wars 2' && sync

Wine Configuration

  • At 4K native resolution, use a virtual desktop of 2560×1440 and 192 dpi
  • At 1080p native resolution, use a virtual desktop of 1280×720 and default 96 dpi
  • [x] Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows
WINEPREFIX=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' winecfg


rm -Rf ~/'Downloads/Guild Wars 2' ~/'Desktop/Guild Wars 2.desktop' && sync





rm -rf '/tmp/dxvk-'* && cd '/tmp' && tar -xvzf ~/'Downloads/dxvk-'*'.tar.gz' && chmod +x '/tmp/dxvk-'*'/' && cd ~ && WINEPREFIX=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' '/tmp/dxvk-'*'/' install && rm -rf '/tmp/dxvk-'* && cd ~ && mkdir -p ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/dxvk_state_cache' && sync

Desktop Launcher


rm -Rf ~/'.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/Guild Wars 2' && mkdir -p ~/'.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/Guild Wars 2'

Guild Wars 2

nano ~/'.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/Guild Wars 2/Guild Wars 2.desktop'
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Guild Wars 2
Comment=Guild Wars 2 is an online role-playing game with fast-paced action combat, a rich and detailed universe of stories, awe-inspiring landscapes to explore, two challenging player vs. player modes—and no subscription fees!
Exec=env MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DIR='/home/CHANGEME/Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' DXVK_STATE_CACHE_PATH='/home/CHANGEME/Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/dxvk_state_cache' WINEPREFIX='/home/CHANGEME/Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' wine '/home/CHANGEME/Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/Program Files/Guild Wars 2/Gw2-64.exe' -autologin
Path=/home/CHANGEME/Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/Program Files/Guild Wars 2

[Desktop Action Kill]
Exec=env WINEPREFIX='/home/CHANGEME/Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' wineserver -k

[Desktop Action Update]
Exec=env MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DIR='/home/CHANGEME/Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' DXVK_STATE_CACHE_PATH='/home/CHANGEME/Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/dxvk_state_cache' WINEPREFIX='/home/CHANGEME/Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' wine '/home/CHANGEME/Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/Program Files/Guild Wars 2/Gw2-64.exe' -image
Name=Update Game Data

[Desktop Action Repair]
Exec=env MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DIR='/home/CHANGEME/Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' DXVK_STATE_CACHE_PATH='/home/CHANGEME/Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/dxvk_state_cache' WINEPREFIX='/home/CHANGEME/Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' wine '/home/CHANGEME/Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/Program Files/Guild Wars 2/Gw2-64.exe' -repair
Name=Check and Repair Data

[Desktop Action Cache]
Exec=bash -c "rm -Rf ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/mesa_shader_cache/'* ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/dxvk_state_cache/'* ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/users/'$USER'/Application Data/Guild Wars 2/Coherent Dumps/'* ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/windows/temp/'* ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/users/'$USER'/Temp/'* && sync"
Name=Cache Clean-up
sed -i 's/'CHANGEME'/'$USER'/g' ~/'.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/Guild Wars 2/Guild Wars 2.desktop'

Steam Launcher

  • Guild Wars 2
Guild Wars 2
nano ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/' && chmod +x ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/'

# Environment Variables
export MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DIR=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2'
export DXVK_STATE_CACHE_PATH=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/dxvk_state_cache' 
export WINEPREFIX=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2'

# Working Directory
cd ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/Program Files/Guild Wars 2'

# Launch
wine ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/Program Files/Guild Wars 2/Gw2-64.exe' -autologin

# End

Quick Commands


WINEPREFIX=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' winecfg


WINEPREFIX=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' winetricks

Registry Editor

WINEPREFIX=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' regedit


WINEPREFIX=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' wineserver -k


Guild Wars 2

cd ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/Program Files/Guild Wars 2' && 
MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DIR=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' DXVK_STATE_CACHE_PATH=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/dxvk_state_cache' WINEPREFIX=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' wine ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/Program Files/Guild Wars 2/Gw2-64.exe' -autologin


cd ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/Program Files/Guild Wars 2' &&   MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DIR=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' DXVK_STATE_CACHE_PATH=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/dxvk_state_cache' WINEPREFIX=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' wine ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/Program Files/Guild Wars 2/Gw2-64.exe' -image && sync


cd ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/Program Files/Guild Wars 2' &&   MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DIR=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' DXVK_STATE_CACHE_PATH=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/dxvk_state_cache' WINEPREFIX=~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2' wine ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/Program Files/Guild Wars 2/Gw2-64.exe' -repair && sync

File Manager


gio open ~/'Wine Prefixes/Guild Wars 2/drive_c/Program Files/Guild Wars 2'
fixme:vulkan:X11DRV_vkCreateWin32SurfaceKHR Application requires child window rendering, which is not implemented yet
GW2 benefits from Esync significantly
C:\Program Files\Guild Wars 2
C:/www/wiki/data/attic/games/wine/guild_wars_2.1664628257.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/10/01 08:44 by Sean Rhone