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  • This allows running the Jagex Launcher and the C++ OSRS clients through wine
  • Jagex Launcher can be closed after pressing Play and the OSRS client window appears 4)



  • On the first OSRS client launch, it may start an invisible game window; Close osclient.exe and re-launch it from Jagex Launcher 5)
  • :!: Jagex Launcher sometimes has issues with being interacted with from GNOME tray with the AppIndicator/KStatusNotifierItem support for GNOME Shell extension; disable it 6) 7)



mkdir -p ~/'.wine' && WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape' WINEARCH='win64' wineboot && WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape' winetricks 'discord_game_sdk=disabled' && sync

Jagex Launcher

  • :!: You need to supply your own Jagex Launcher files as the installer doesn't work 8)

Google Drive

  • Google Drive link to a clean Jagex Launcher folder with SHA256 below
  • Use this if at all unsure
sha256sum ~/'Downloads/' | grep 'bcd979e326dc7927aee1c34afb43395d22c4a43f400c5db9c124bda601bdf3ab' > '/dev/null' && unzip -b -o -qq ~/'Downloads/' -d ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files' && sync


  • Expects something like ~/Downloads/ with any date
unzip -b -o -qq ~/'Downloads/'*'Jagex'*'' -d ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files' && sync
gio open ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files'

Official Installer

  • :!: 2023/09/16: The installer doesn't launch a GUI and seemingly can't be silently-installed
  • See Jagex Launcher Installer notes for testing

Old School RuneScape

  • Update launcher if prompted, log-in, select OSRS → New Official Client → Install
mkdir -p ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/dxvk_shader_cache' && cd ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher' && MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DIR=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape' DXVK_STATE_CACHE_PATH=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/dxvk_shader_cache' WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape' wine ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher/JagexLauncher.exe' --disable-gpu --disable-software-rasterizer

Clean Up

rm -f ~/'Downloads/Jagex Launcher Installer.exe' ~/'Downloads/'*'Jagex' && cd ~ && sync



ls ~/'Downloads/dxvk-master-'*'.zip' && rm -Rf '/tmp/dxvk-master' && mkdir -p '/tmp/dxvk-master' && unzip ~/'Downloads/dxvk-master-'*'.zip' -d '/tmp/dxvk-master/' && cp --backup '/tmp/dxvk-master/x64/'*'.dll' ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/windows/system32/' && cp --backup '/tmp/dxvk-master/x32/'*'.dll' ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/windows/syswow64/' && WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape' winetricks 'd3d9=native' 'd3d10core=native' 'd3d11=native' 'dxgi=native' && mkdir -p ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/dxvk_shader_cache' && sync


  • FpsLimit is ideal for Wayland sessions in order to prevent uncapped framerate and unnecessary power usage; set 1Hz above refresh rate
mkdir -p ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/users/'$USER'/AppData/Local/Jagex/Old School Runescape' && nano ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/users/'$USER'/AppData/Local/Jagex/Old School Runescape/preferences_client.dat'
DisplayBuildInfo 1
FpsLimit 75


  • 1080p fullscreen, max draw distance, MSAA x4, W416, Nearest-neighbour
  • Last updated: 2024/01/12
mkdir -p ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/users/'$USER'/AppData/Local/Jagex/Old School Runescape' && nano ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/users/'$USER'/AppData/Local/Jagex/Old School Runescape/preferences_client.dat'
AntiAliasingSampleLevel 2
Brightness 0
DefaultWorldId 416
DisplayBuildInfo 0
DisplayFps 0
DrawDistance 90
FpsLimit 75
Fullscreen 0
HideUserName 0
LastWorldId 416
MasterVolume 100
TitleVolume 100
UIQuality 0
WindowHeight 1080
WindowMode 2
WindowTopmost 0
WindowWidth 1920

Desktop Launcher

  • TODO: Kill and Cache clean-up is behind bash -c and presumably don't need CHANGEMEs; can be modernized like Exec
rm -f ~/'.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/OSClient.desktop' && mkdir -p ~/'.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/Jagex' && ln --symbolic --force '/dev/null' '/home/espionage724/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/OSClient.desktop' && nano ~/'.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/Jagex/Old School RuneScape.desktop' && sed -i 's/'CHANGEME'/'$USER'/g' ~/'.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/Jagex/Old School RuneScape.desktop'
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Old School RuneScape
Exec='/bin/bash' -c "cd ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher' && PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC='400' MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DIR=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape' MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE='zink' MESA_VK_WSI_PRESENT_MODE='immediate' WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape' wine ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher/JagexLauncher.exe' --disable-gpu --disable-software-rasterizer"

[Desktop Action Cache]
Exec='/bin/bash' -c "rm -Rf '/home/CHANGEME/.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/users/CHANGEME/AppData/Local/Jagex/Old School Runescape/'* '/home/CHANGEME/.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/'*'.log' '/home/CHANGEME/.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher/JagexLauncher.dxvk-cache' '/home/CHANGEME/.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher/Games/Old School RuneScape/Client/osclient.dxvk-cache' '/home/CHANGEME/.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/users/CHANGEME/AppData/Local/Jagex Launcher/logs/'* '/home/CHANGEME/.wine/Old School RuneScape/mesa_shader_cache'* && sync && notify-send 'The Old School RuneScape cache has been cleaned.'"
Name=Cache Cleanup

[Desktop Action Kill]
Exec='/bin/bash' -c "WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape' wineserver --kill"

[Desktop Action Notes]
Exec='/bin/bash' -c "gio open ''"
Name=Installation Notes

# End


  • Requires wrestool
mkdir -p ~/'.local/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps' && cd ~/'.local/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps' && wrestool --output='D0C9_osclient.0.png' --extract --type='14' ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher/Games/Old School RuneScape/Client/osclient.exe' && cd ~

Quick Commands


WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape' winecfg


WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape' winetricks

Registry Editor

WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape' regedit


WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape' wineserver --kill


Jagex Launcher

cd ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher' && PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC='400' MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DIR=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape' DXVK_STATE_CACHE_PATH=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/dxvk_shader_cache' WINEDEBUG='' WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape' wine ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher/JagexLauncher.exe' --disable-gpu --disable-software-rasterizer


  • :!: This is required for GNOME on Wayland with Intel UHD 630 in order to workaround an odd 50 FPS limit 13) 14)
cd ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher' && MESA_LOADER_DRIVER_OVERRIDE='zink' MESA_VK_WSI_PRESENT_MODE='immediate' PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC='400' MESA_SHADER_CACHE_DIR=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape' DXVK_STATE_CACHE_PATH=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/dxvk_shader_cache' WINEDEBUG='' WINEPREFIX=~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape' wine ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher/JagexLauncher.exe' --disable-gpu --disable-software-rasterizer


  • Wine's virtual desktop may be necessary with certain desktop/window managers and with Wayland
explorer /desktop='Jagex-Launcher','1280x720'

File Manager

Jagex Launcher

gio open ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher/'

Old School RuneScape

gio open ~/'.wine/Old School RuneScape/drive_c/Program Files/Jagex Launcher/Games/Old School RuneScape/Client/'
Frame drops seen in the video do not happen locally
the log-in session carries over through world switches and even log-outs; Jagex Launcher only needs to be re-opened if you close the OSRS client window
on Windows this seems to manifests as a visible game window that doesn't appear in the taskbar; OSRS defies typical window-management logic :p presumably when it tries to define a default window position on first-launch
this automatically installs on Fedora through Steam as a dep, and is included out-the-box with Ubuntu 23.10
TODO: See if AppIndicator can be disabled exclusively for Wine or prefixes instead of disabling globally
install Jagex Launcher on a Windows machine first, and then the Jagex Launcher folder in Program Files can be copied over as-is to the Wine prefix; you don't need to log-in but ideally run it once after installation for it to update to the latest version
need to be signed into GitHub, and select the latest master artifacts package
notes here for completeness, to cover obscure distros that don't package DXVK alongside Wine, and the dxvk_shader_cache folder
2023/09: openSUSE Tumbleweed and Fedora 38 are known to not need this
required to fix audio glitches present in music even on Fedora 38 where PipeWire is used
TODO: Figure out what this is about and if it affects other GPU vendors
2023/12: This is also reproducible with Diablo II non-Resurrected when ran through a Glide-to-OpenGL wrapper
/var/www/wiki/data/attic/games/wine/old_school_runescape_jagex_launcher_c.1705058627.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/12 08:23 (external edit)