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information:realm_of_espionage [2024/03/08 14:42] Sean Rhoneinformation:realm_of_espionage [2025/01/19 02:23] (current) – [Information] Sean Rhone
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 ====== Information ====== ====== Information ======
-  * Everything is ((2024/01/22: temp VPS)) or can be ran on-premise self-hosted on bare-metal+  * Everything is ran on-premise self-hosted on bare-metal
   * No Docker, no containers, no VMs; no abstraction and all manually-configured   * No Docker, no containers, no VMs; no abstraction and all manually-configured
   * Completely transparent and reproducible   * Completely transparent and reproducible
-  * I aim to prove the viability of self-hosting secure infrastructure and hope to encourage initiative!+  * [[user;espionage724|I]] aim to prove the viability of self-hosting secure infrastructure and hope to encourage initiative!
 ====== Websites ====== ====== Websites ======
-  * [[personal:social_media|Webmaster info]]+  * [[user:espionage724|Webmaster info]] 
 +  * [[information;notable_changes|Notable infrastructure changes]]
 ===== Main ===== ===== Main =====
-  * +  * 
-  * [[servers:nginx:joomla|Notes]]+  * [[servers;windows;nginx;joomla|Notes]]
   * Joomla!   * Joomla!
   * Hub for my profiles and websites   * Hub for my profiles and websites
-===== Blog =====+===== Wiki =====
-  * +  * ((you are here :p)) 
-  * [[servers:nginx:wordpress|Notes]]+  * [[servers;windows;nginx;dokuwiki|Notes]]
-  * WordPress +  * DokuWiki 
-  * Blog+  * Documentations, code-snippets, quick notes ((the //pièce de résistance// 8-) )) 
 +  * //Circa// [[|March 2016]]
 ===== Media ===== ===== Media =====
-  * +  * 
-  * [[servers:nginx:piwigo|Notes]]+  * [[servers;windows;nginx;piwigo|Notes]]
   * Piwigo   * Piwigo
-  * Pictures and screenshots+  * Pictures, videos
-===== Social =====+===== Blog =====
-  * +  * 
-  * [[servers:nginx:friendica|Notes]]+  * [[servers;windows;nginx;wordpress|Notes]]
-  * Friendica +  * WordPress 
-  * Microblog platform +  * Blog (thoughtsexperimentsreviews)
- +
-===== Wiki ===== +
- +
-  * ((you are here :p)) +
-  * [[servers:nginx:dokuwiki|Notes]] +
- +
-  * DokuWiki +
-  * Documentationscode-snippetsquick notes+
 ====== Color Scheme ====== ====== Color Scheme ======
Line 66: Line 60:
 ===== Logo ===== ===== Logo =====
-  * TODO: Footprint stepping into murky water portal half shadowy half light; initial portal logo concept as base +==== Concepts ====
- +
-====== Server ====== +
- +
-===== VPS =====+
-  * Vultr ([[|referral]]) +  * Footprint stepping into murky water portal half shadowy half light; initial portal logo concept as base 
-  * 2024/02/01: Cloud Compute -> Regular Performance -> New York (NJ) -> $5/month ((25 GB SSD, 1 vCPU, 1 GB Memory, 1 TB Bandwidth; RoE runs light 8-))), Custom ISO ((Fedora Server 39 DVD))+  * Grunge-style lettering/logos
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