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  • Quick-commands to wipe drives and clear EFI variables
  • Notably performs full-drive TRIMs for SSDs (ArchWiki)
  • Useful to perform before OS installations


sudo zypper install 'nvme-cli' -y && sync
sudo apt install 'nvme-cli' -y && sync
sudo dnf install nvme-cli hdparm -y && sync


  • Some motherboard firmware lock/freeze drives, and prevents some wipe commands from working
  • Unlocking drives can be done with a suspend and wake
  • :!: This applies to both SATA and NVMe drives
sync && systemctl suspend


  • :!: Always check before running anything
  • :!: Assume nothing; all commands below are immediately destructive on the block device they're ran on

EFI Variables

sudo rm -f '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/'* || sync && sudo efibootmgr -v

Drive Wipe


  • 2024/05/02: TODO: Try nvme sanitize

4K Sectors

  • :!: Steam and Oculus were known to be broken with 4K sector size on Windows 11
  • Steam and Oculus worked fine with 4K sector size on Windows 10 LTSC 2021 and Linux
  • iTunes possibly fails with 4K sectors due to Bonjour and dnssd.dll (thread)
  • See sector_size to check or switch to available sector disk formats


  • :!: This is using LBA Format 1 for 4K sector size
sudo blkdiscard --force --verbose '/dev/nvme0n1' && sync && sudo nvme format '/dev/nvme0' --force --namespace-id='1' --lbaf='1' --reset --ses='1' --pil='0' --pi='0' --ms='0' && sudo rm -f '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/'* || sync
sudo blkdiscard --force --verbose '/dev/nvme0n1' && sync
sudo nvme format '/dev/nvme0' --force --namespace-id='1' --lbaf='1' --reset --ses='1' --pil='0' --pi='0' --ms='0' && sync
sudo wipefs --all --force '/dev/nvme0n1'


  • :!: This is using LBA Format 0 for 512 sector size
sudo blkdiscard --force --verbose '/dev/nvme0n1' && sync && sudo nvme format '/dev/nvme0' --force --namespace-id='1' --lbaf='0' --reset --ses='1' --pil='0' --pi='0' --ms='0' && sudo rm -f '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/'* || sync
sudo nvme format '/dev/nvme0' --force --namespace-id='1' --lbaf='0' --reset --ses='1' --pil='0' --pi='0' --ms='0' && sync


  • :!: This is using LBA Format 0
sudo blkdiscard --force --verbose '/dev/nvme1n1' && sync && sudo nvme format '/dev/nvme1' --force --namespace-id='1' --lbaf='0' --reset --ses='1' --pil='0' --pi='0' --ms='0' && sudo rm -f '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/'* || sync
sudo blkdiscard --force --verbose '/dev/nvme1n1' && sync
sudo nvme format '/dev/nvme1' --force --namespace-id='1' --lbaf='0' --reset --ses='1' --pil='0' --pi='0' --ms='0' && sync
sudo wipefs --all --force '/dev/nvme1n1'


sudo blkdiscard --force --verbose '/dev/sda' && sync && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass 'x' '/dev/sda' && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-erase 'x' '/dev/sda' && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass 'x' '/dev/sda' && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-erase-enhanced 'x' '/dev/sda' && sudo rm -f '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/'* || sync
sudo blkdiscard --force --verbose '/dev/sda' && sync
sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass 'x' '/dev/sda' && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-erase 'x' '/dev/sda' && sync
sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass 'x' '/dev/sda' && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-erase-enhanced 'x' '/dev/sda' && sync
sudo wipefs --all --force '/dev/sda'


sudo blkdiscard --force --verbose '/dev/sdb' && sync && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass 'x' '/dev/sdb' && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-erase 'x' '/dev/sdb' && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass 'x' '/dev/sdb' && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-erase-enhanced 'x' '/dev/sdb' && sudo rm -f '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/'* || sync
sudo blkdiscard --force --verbose '/dev/sdb' && sync
sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass 'x' '/dev/sdb' && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-erase 'x' '/dev/sdb' && sync
sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass 'x' '/dev/sdb' && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-erase-enhanced 'x' '/dev/sdb' && sync
sudo wipefs --all --force '/dev/sdb'


sudo blkdiscard --force --verbose '/dev/sdc' && sync && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass 'x' '/dev/sdc' && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-erase 'x' '/dev/sdc' && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass 'x' '/dev/sdc' && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-erase-enhanced 'x' '/dev/sdc' && sudo rm -f '/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/'* || sync
sudo blkdiscard --force --verbose '/dev/sdc' && sync
sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass 'x' '/dev/sdc' && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-erase 'x' '/dev/sdc' && sync
sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-set-pass 'x' '/dev/sdc' && sudo hdparm --user-master u --security-erase-enhanced 'x' '/dev/sdc' && sync
sudo wipefs --all --force '/dev/sdc'

Sector Size


sudo nvme id-ns '/dev/nvme0' --namespace-id='1' --human-readable
sudo smartctl --all '/dev/nvme0'


sudo smartctl --all '/dev/sda1'
sudo hdparm --set-sector-size '4096' '/dev/sda'
can copy a command into Terminal and run it on one machine, boot the drive on another machine, and use Terminal history to re-run the command; it's quite convenient :p
/var/www/wiki/data/pages/linux/notes/drive_wipe.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/10 16:18 by