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  • Custom builds of LineageOS for the Nexus 6
  • cm-14.1 branch




sudo dnf install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel ImageMagick-devel patch ncurses-compat-libs schedtool libstdc++.i686 glibc.i686 m4 gcc && sync

Prepare Build Environment


cd ~ && sudo rm -Rf ~/'android/cm-14.1/'* ~/'.ccache' ~/'.jack-server' ~/'.jack-settings' && sync

Install git-repo

mkdir -p ~/'bin' && wget -O ~/'bin/repo' '' && chmod +x ~/'bin/repo'

Configure Git

nano ~/'.gitconfig'
email = espionage724@x
name = Sean Lynn Rhone

ui = auto

Initialize Repo

mkdir -p ~/'android/cm-14.1' && cd ~/'android/cm-14.1' && repo init --manifest-url='' --manifest-branch='cm-14.1' --depth=1 && sync

Motorola Manifest

  • If pulling in fresh sources, do not add this until the sources are backed-up 1)
mkdir -p ~/'android/cm-14.1/.repo/local_manifests' && nano ~/'android/cm-14.1/.repo/local_manifests/motorola.xml'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  <!-- Motorola -->
  <project path="vendor/motorola" name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_motorola" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />


Sources Management

Pull-in and Update Sources

Network Sync

  • As of 2017/07/07, this downloads around 10GB for cm14.1
  • If pulling fresh sources, this command is good to leave running overnight, and then followed up with a backup
cd ~/'android/cm-14.1' && repo sync --current-branch --network-only --jobs='4' --force-broken --force-sync && sync

Complete Sync

cd ~/'android/cm-14.1' && repo sync --current-branch --network-only --jobs='4' --force-broken --force-sync && sync && repo sync --current-branch --local-only --jobs='16' && sync

Backup Sources

cd ~/'android/cm-14.1' && tar -cvzf ~/'Downloads/lineageos-cm14.1-'$(date +%Y-%m-%d)'.tar.gz' '.repo' && cd ~ && sync

Restore Sources

mkdir -p ~/'android/cm-14.1' && cd ~/'android/cm-14.1' && tar -xvzf ~/'Downloads/lineageos-cm14.1-'*'.tar.gz' '.repo' && sync


Allow Signature Spoofing

  • This allows microG Services Core and FakeStore to fake Google Play Services and Play Store respectively
wget -O ~/'Downloads/GmsCore-android_frameworks_base-N.patch' '' && cd ~/'android/cm-14.1' && patch --no-backup-if-mismatch --strip='1' --directory='frameworks/base' < ~/'Downloads/GmsCore-android_frameworks_base-N.patch' && rm -f ~/'Downloads/GmsCore-android_frameworks_base-N.patch' && sync

Allow Location Providers Outside /system

  • This allows microG Services Core to provide UnifiedNlp without having to be installed to /system/priv-app or having to have an outdated NetworkLocation.apk there
wget -O ~/'Downloads/UnifiedNlp-android_frameworks_base-N.patch' '' && cd ~/'android/cm-14.1' && patch --no-backup-if-mismatch --strip='1' --directory='frameworks/base' < ~/'Downloads/UnifiedNlp-android_frameworks_base-N.patch' && rm -f ~/'Downloads/UnifiedNlp-android_frameworks_base-N.patch' && sync

Remove Deprecated HWUI GCC Flag

  • Removes the deprecated -mapcs flag and prevents clang++ from reporting an error about it later on
  • Only has effect and needed if HWUI_COMPILE_FOR_PERF is true
sed -i 's/-marm -mapcs/-marm/g' ~/'android/cm-14.1/frameworks/base/libs/hwui/'


  • If this file doesn't exist, this is likely being ran on fresh sources, and requires breakfast to be served first
  • Place this at the top of the file underneath the copyright 2)
nano ~/'android/cm-14.1/device/moto/shamu/'
# Begin Custom Stuff

# Dalvik/ART Tweaks
    dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-filter=everything \
    dalvik.vm.dex2oat-filter=everything \
    dalvik.vm.check-dex-sum=false \
    dalvik.vm.checkjni=false \
    dalvik.vm.usejit=true \
    dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags=v=a,o=v \
    dalvik.vm.dex2oat-swap=false \
    dalvik.vm.dex2oat-threads=4 \
    dalvik.vm.boot-dex2oat-threads=4 \
    dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-threads=4 \
    dalvik.vm.heaptargetutilization=0.9 \

# Single-user

# HWUI Performance Compiler Options

# Graphics Tweaks

# Native Density

# Freedom

# End Custom Stuff

Steven Black's Unified Hosts File

  • Includes fakenews and gambling extensions
rm -Rf '/tmp/' '/tmp/hosts-master' && wget '' -O '/tmp/' && unzip '/tmp/' -d '/tmp' && python3 '/tmp/hosts-master/' --auto --extensions 'fakenews' 'gambling' --output ~/'android/cm-14.1/system/core/rootdir/etc' && rm -Rf '/tmp/' '/tmp/hosts-master' && sync

Build Prep

Quick Command

  • This expects signing keys in-place
  • This does the next 9 commands in-order and produces a flashable zip
cd ~/'android/cm-14.1' && make 'clobber' && sync && source ~/'android/cm-14.1/build/' && breakfast 'shamu' && sync && unset 'CCACHE_DISABLE' && export 'CCACHE_DISABLE=1' && unset 'ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS' && export 'ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx12G' && mka target-files-package dist && sync && croot && ~/'android/cm-14.1/build/tools/releasetools/sign_target_files_apks' -o -d ~/'.android-certs' ~/'android/cm-14.1/out/dist/'*'-target_files-'*'.zip' ~/'android/cm-14.1/' && sync && ~/'android/cm-14.1/build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files' -k ~/'.android-certs/releasekey' --block --backup='true' ~/'android/cm-14.1/' ~/'Downloads/'$(date +%m-%d)'' && sync && jack-admin kill-server


cd ~/'android/cm-14.1' && make 'clobber' && sync

Set-up Environment

cd ~/'android/cm-14.1' && source ~/'android/cm-14.1/build/'


  • Be sure to run Tweaks after serving breakfast if using fresh sources
cd ~/'android/cm-14.1' && breakfast 'shamu' && sync

Environment Variables

Disable ccache



unset 'ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS' && export 'ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx12G'

Signed Build

Key Management


  • Change the x in emailAddress=
  • If a backup exists and is being restored, don't run this
subject='/C=US/ST=Pennsylvania/L=Charleroi/O=Realm of Espionage/OU=Android/CN=Sean Lynn Rhone/emailAddress=espionage724@x' && mkdir ~/'.android-certs' && for x in releasekey platform shared media; do ~/'android/cm-14.1/development/tools/make_key' ~/'.android-certs'/$x "$subject"; done


cd ~ && tar -cvzf ~/'Downloads/android-certs-'$(date +%Y-%m-%d)'.tar.gz' '.android-certs' && sync


cd ~ && tar -xvzf ~/'Downloads/android-certs-'*'.tar.gz' '.android-certs' && rm -f ~/'Downloads/android-certs-'*'.tar.gz' && sync


  • This takes approximately 1 hour to complete
  • If mka can't be found, make sure this is being ran from the Terminal window where previous commands took place
cd ~/'android/cm-14.1' && mka target-files-package dist && sync

Sign Build

croot && ~/'android/cm-14.1/build/tools/releasetools/sign_target_files_apks' -o -d ~/'.android-certs' ~/'android/cm-14.1/out/dist/'*'-target_files-'*'.zip' ~/'android/cm-14.1/' && sync

Generate Zip

~/'android/cm-14.1/build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files' -k ~/'.android-certs/releasekey' --block --backup='true' ~/'android/cm-14.1/' ~/'Downloads/'$(date +%m-%d)'' && sync

Kill Jack Server

  • It remains running in the background after the build is complete
jack-admin kill-server

Install Zip

  • Flash ~/Downloads/lineageos-cm14.1-shamu-unofficial-(date).zip

Unsigned Build

Build and Generate Zip

  • This takes approximately 1 hour to complete
cd ~/'android/cm-14.1' && croot && brunch 'shamu' && sync

Install Zip

  • Flash the 400MB+ zip found in ~/android/cm-14.1/out/target/product/shamu

Nexus 6 Configuration



  • Unless otherwise specified, all uploaded builds are updated from the source (resync) prior to building


  • 2017/10/31: More Dalvik/ART tweaks, HWUI compiled in performance mode, disable HDCP checking, force 2D GPU acceleration
  • 2017/10/29: Dalvik/ART tweaks, disabled multi-user
  • 2017/10/18: Resync
  • 2017/09/29: Resync
  • 2017/09/26: Resync
  • 2017/09/23: Add fakenews and gambling extensions back for Steven Black's hosts file
  • 2017/09/21: Resync
  • 2017/07/22: Resync
  • 2017/07/19: Remove Dalvik/ART Tweaks, re-enable multi-user
  • 2017/07/17: Dalvik/ART Tweaks, disabled multi-user
  • 2017/07/16: Back to userdebug build
  • 2017/07/13: Resync
  • 2017/07/11: Resync
  • 2017/07/09: Removed gambling, fakenews, and porn filters for Steven Black's host file (the default hosts are included still)
  • 2017/07/07: Now includes all default apps, Steven Black's Unified Hosts File built-in with the gambling, fakenews, and porn filters enabled
  • 2017/07/06: DPI to 493, user build (changed from userdebug)
  • 2017/07/05: Initial build, removal of some default apps
that way the backup can be a clean-slate and be used for other non-Moto devices
this ensures the custom PRODUCT_PROPERTY_OVERRIDES are used, see comment
/var/www/wiki/data/pages/projects/shamu_lineageos.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/02 08:48 by Sean Rhone