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servers:games:2004scape_localhost [2024/07/16 21:51] Sean Rhoneservers:games:2004scape_localhost [2024/08/06 17:35] (current) – removed Sean Rhone
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Information ====== 
-  * 2004Scape Server (( 
-  * Linux (see [[windows;servers;games;2004scape_localhost|these notes]] for Windows) 
-===== Media ===== 
-  * [[|Desktop Launcher Presentation Video]] 
-  * [[|Progress Photo Album]] 
-===== Prerequisites ===== 
-  * [[distros:fedora_workstation_gnome|Fedora Workstation (GNOME)]] 
-===== Resources ===== 
-  * [[|Feature Complete Progress]] 
-  * [[|Progress - Quests]] 
-  * [[|Projects List]] 
-  * [[|Rune-Server Forums]] 
-====== Dependencies ====== 
-  * 
-  sudo dnf install git nodejs java-latest-openjdk-headless 
-====== Download Source ====== 
-  cd ~ && mkdir -p ~/'Projects' && rm -Rf ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/src' && git clone --branch 'main' --depth '1' --recurse-submodules '' ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/src' && sync 
-====== Desktop Launcher ====== 
-===== 2004Scape ===== 
-  mkdir -p ~/'.local/share/applications/' && nano ~/'.local/share/applications/2004Scape-localhost.desktop' && sed -i 's/'CHANGEME'/'$USER'/g' ~/'.local/share/applications/2004Scape-localhost.desktop' && update-desktop-database --quiet ~/'.local/share/applications' 
-[Desktop Entry] 
-Exec='/bin/bash' -c "gio open 'http://localhost:8888'" 
-#Exec='/bin/bash' -c "gio open ''" 
-[Desktop Action Server] 
-Exec='/bin/bash' -c "~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/'" 
-Name=Launch Local Server 
-[Desktop Action Update] 
-Exec='/bin/bash' -c "gnome-terminal -- ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/'" 
-Name=Update Local Server 
-[Desktop Action Saves] 
-Exec='/bin/bash' -c "~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/'" 
-Name=Save Data Back-up 
-[Desktop Action Notes] 
-Exec='/bin/bash' -c "gio open ''" 
-Name=Installation Notes 
-# End</code> 
-==== Scripts ==== 
-=== Server Start === 
-  nano ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/' && chmod +x ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/' 
-cd ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/src' 
-gnome-terminal --title='2004Scape localhost Server' -- npm start 
-# End</code> 
-=== Server Update === 
-  nano ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/' && chmod +x ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/' 
-git -C ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/src' reset --hard 
-git -C ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/src' pull origin 'main' --rebase 
-cd ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/src' 
-npm run 'clean' 
-read -n '1' -s -r -p 'Press any key to continue.' 
-sleep '2' 
-# End</code> 
-=== Save Data Back-up === 
-  nano ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/' && chmod +x ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/' 
-tar -cvzf ~/'Downloads/'$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%s)'-2004Scape-Server-localhost-Saves.tar.gz' -C ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/src/data' 'players' 
-notify-send '2004Scape Save Data Backed-up Successfully to Downloads' 
-gio open ~/'Downloads/' 
-# End</code> 
-====== Quick Commands ====== 
-===== Execute ===== 
-==== Server ==== 
-  cd ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/src' && npm start 
-  ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/' 
-==== Client ==== 
-  * http://localhost:8888 
-===== Update ===== 
-  * 
-  git -C ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/src' reset --hard && git -C ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/src' pull origin 'main' --rebase && cd ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/src' && npm run 'clean' 
-  ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/' 
-  gnome-terminal -- ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/' 
-===== Save Data Back-up ===== 
-  mkdir -p ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/src/data/players/' && gio open ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/src/data/players/' 
-  ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/' 
-===== npm ===== 
-  * Lists available ''npm'' commands 
-  cd ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/src/' && npm run 
-===== File Manager ===== 
-==== Root ==== 
-  gio open ~/'Projects/2004Scape-Server/src/' 
C:/www/wiki/data/attic/servers/games/2004scape_localhost.1721181073.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/16 21:51 (external edit)