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windows:servers:games:trinitycore_3.3.5_localhost [2024/07/27 22:58] – [Visual Studio 2022] Sean Rhonewindows:servers:games:trinitycore_3.3.5_localhost [2024/08/13 16:39] (current) – removed Sean Rhone
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Information ====== 
-  * TrinityCore (( 
-  * 3.3.5 (( 
-  * These notes provide a local singleplayer server for World of Warcraft 3.3.5 on Windows (see [[servers:games:trinitycore_3.3.5_localhost|these notes]] for Linux) 
-===== Prerequisites ===== 
-  * [[windows:10|Windows 10]] 
-  * [[games:windows:world_of_warcraft_3.3.5|World of Warcraft 3.3.5 (Windows)]] 
-===== Resources ===== 
-  * [[|TrinityCore]] 
-  * [[|TrinityCore MMo Project Wiki]] 
-====== Dependencies ====== 
-  * 
-  * 2024/07/24: Git, Visual Studio 2022, MySQL, Boost, CMake, OpenSSL 
-  * SQLyog for GUI database management 
-  * :!: MariaDB is untested ((it works on Linux as of 2024/07/15 but support may be deprecated: 
-===== Git ===== 
-  * 
-  * Last tested: ''Git-2.45.2-64-bit.exe'' 
-  * Git from the command line and also from 3rd-party software 
-===== Visual Studio 2022 ===== 
-  * 
-  * :!: Install needs Modified after the auto-install 
-  * Desktop development with C++ 
-  * Any components that don't remove Desktop dev C++ is optional (Pilot, Sanitizers, Live, etc) 
-===== MySQL ===== 
-  * 
-  * Last tested: ''mysql-installer-community-'' 
-  * Server Only 
-  * Development Computer 
-  * :!: Uncheck Open Windows Firewall ports for network access 
-  SETX /M path "%path%;%ProgramFiles%\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin" 
-===== SQLyog Community Edition ===== 
-  * 
-  * Last tested: ''SQLyog-13.2.1-0.x64Community.exe'' 
-===== Boost ===== 
-  * 
-  * Last tested: ''boost_1_85_0-msvc-14.3-64.exe'' 
-===== CMake ===== 
-  * 
-  * Last tested: ''cmake-3.30.1-windows-x86_64'' 
-===== OpenSSL ===== 
-  * (:!: not Light) 
-  * Last tested: ''Win64OpenSSL-3_3_1.exe'' 
-  * :!: Copy OpenSSL DLLs to: The OpenSSL binaries (/bin) directory 
-====== Download Source ====== 
-  git clone --branch "3.3.5" --depth "1" --recurse-submodules "" "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\src" 
-  explorer "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\src" 
-====== Databases ====== 
-  * All Database management including backups/restores are done through SQLyog 
-===== Create DBs ===== 
-  * Ctrl + D or Database -> Create Database 
-  * Database charset: ''utf8mb4'' 
-  * Database collation: ''utf8mb4_unicode_ci'' 
-  authserver 
-  characters 
-  worldserver 
-===== DB Users ===== 
-  * Ctrl + U or Tools -> User Manager 
-  * :!: All Host as ''localhost'' 
-  * Click the database with the same name as username and Select All privileges 
-  authserver 
-  characters 
-  worldserver 
-====== Initial Compile ====== 
-  * 
-===== CMake ===== 
-  * Visual Studio 17 2022 
-  MKDIR "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\build\bin\Release\" 
-  cmake-gui 
-  "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\src" 
-  "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\build" 
-===== Visual Studio ===== 
-  * Build -> Configuration Manager -> Active solution configuration: Release 
-  * Build -> Rebuild Solution 
-===== DLLs ===== 
-  COPY /Y "%ProgramFiles%\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\lib\libmysql.dll" "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\build\bin\Release\" 
-  COPY /Y "%ProgramFiles%\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\legacy.dll" "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\build\bin\Release\" 
-  COPY /Y "%ProgramFiles%\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\libssl-3-x64.dll" "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\build\bin\Release\" 
-  COPY /Y "%ProgramFiles%\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\libcrypto-3-x64.dll" "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\build\bin\Release\" 
-====== Update ====== 
-  git -C "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\src" reset --hard && git -C "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\src" pull origin "3.3.5" --rebase 
-  cmake-gui 
-  * Visual Studio -> Build -> Build Solution 
-====== Content ====== 
-  * 
-  * Expects [[games:windows:world_of_warcraft_3.3.5|World of Warcraft 3.3.5]] 
-  * Move ''mapextractor'' ''mmaps_generator'' ''vmap4assembler'' and ''vmap4extractor'' to the WoW folder or use ''COPY'' commands below 
-  explorer "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\build\bin\Release" 
-  explorer "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\World of Warcraft 3.3.5" 
-===== DBCs, Maps, and Cameras ===== 
-  COPY /Y "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\build\bin\Release\mapextractor.exe" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\World of Warcraft 3.3.5" 
-  CD "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\World of Warcraft 3.3.5" && "mapextractor.exe" -f "0" 
-===== VMaps ===== 
-==== Extract ==== 
-  COPY /Y "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\build\bin\Release\vmap4extractor.exe" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\World of Warcraft 3.3.5" 
-  CD "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\World of Warcraft 3.3.5" && "vmap4extractor.exe" -l 
-==== Assemble ==== 
-  COPY /Y "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\build\bin\Release\vmap4assembler.exe" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\World of Warcraft 3.3.5" 
-  CD "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\World of Warcraft 3.3.5" && "vmap4assembler.exe" "Buildings" "vmaps" 
-===== MMaps ===== 
-  COPY /Y "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\build\bin\Release\mmaps_generator.exe" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\World of Warcraft 3.3.5" 
-  CD "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\World of Warcraft 3.3.5" && "mmaps_generator.exe" --bigBaseUnit "true" --threads "4" 
-===== Move Files ===== 
-  * Move ''dbc'' ''maps'' ''Cameras'' ''vmaps'' ''mmaps'' folders to the ''Release'' folder 
-  explorer "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\World of Warcraft 3.3.5" 
-  explorer "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\build\bin\Release" 
-===== Clean-up ===== 
-  * Remove ''Buildings'' and extractor ''.exe''s 
-  explorer "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\World of Warcraft 3.3.5" 
-===== World Database ===== 
-==== TDB ==== 
-  * 
-  * 
-  * Download the latest ''TDB 335'' ''.7z'' with a web browser 
-  * Extract ''TDB_full_world_335.sql'' to ''Release'' folder 
-  explorer "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\build\bin\Release" 
-====== Settings ====== 
-  * See [[notes:trinitycore_3.3.5_localhost_confs|TrinityCore 3.3.5 localhost confs]] 
-====== Realm ====== 
-===== authserver ===== 
-  * ''authserver'' needs started at least once to create the tables and to start ''worldserver'' for account creation 
-  * Ctrl + C to exit 
-  CD "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\build\bin\Release" && "authserver.exe" 
-====== Create GM Account ====== 
-  * Change ''x'' to password 
-  CD "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\build\bin\Release" && "worldserver.exe" 
-  account create Espionage724 x 
-  account set gmlevel Espionage724 3 -1 
-  server shutdown 1 
-====== Launch ====== 
-===== Commands ===== 
-  CD "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\build\bin\Release" && "authserver.exe" 
-  CD "%UserProfile%\Projects\trinity-335\build\bin\Release" && "worldserver.exe" 
/var/www/wiki/data/attic/windows/servers/games/trinitycore_3.3.5_localhost.1722135532.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/27 22:58 by Sean Rhone