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windows:servers:games:2004scape_localhost [2024/08/01 17:33] – [Back-up] Sean Rhonewindows:servers:games:2004scape_localhost [2024/08/06 17:32] (current) – removed Sean Rhone
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Information ====== 
-  * 2004Scape Server (( 
-  * ''main'' Branch (( 
-  * These notes provide a local singleplayer server for 2004Scape ((RSPS/RuneScape Private Server based on cache ''225'' from May 18th, 2004)) on Windows (see [[servers:games:2004scape_localhost|these notes]] for Linux) 
-===== Media ===== 
-  * [[|Desktop and Start Menu Shortcuts Presentation Video]] 
-  * [[|My Progress Photo Album]] 
-===== Prerequisites ===== 
-  * [[windows:10|Windows 10]] ((later use of ''tar'' commands for Save Data requires Windows 10 1803+; presumably fine on W11; [[|can apparently run on XP too]])) 
-===== Resources ===== 
-  * [[|World Map]] 
-==== Web ==== 
-  * [[|Feature Complete Progress]] 
-  * [[|Progress - Quests]] 
-  * [[|Projects List]] 
-  * [[|Rune-Server Forums]] 
-  * [[|Info post]] (Jul 3, 2024) 
-====== Dependencies ====== 
-  * 
-  * 
-  * 2024/07/24: Git, Java, NodeJS 
-===== Git ===== 
-  * 
-  * Last tested: ''Git-2.45.2-64-bit.exe'' 
-  * :!: Git from the command line and also from 3rd-party software (make sure it's selected) 
-===== Java ===== 
-  * 
-  * Last tested: ''jdk-22_windows-x64_bin.msi'' 
-===== Node.js ===== 
-  * 
-  * Last tested: ''node-v22.5.1-x64.msi'' 
-  * Node.js runtime, npm package manager, Add to PATH (corepack manager and Online documentation not required) 
-  * Tools for Native Modules not required (leave "Automatically install the tools" unchecked) 
-====== Firewall ====== 
-===== LAN ===== 
-  * ''80'' TCP 
-  * ''43594'' TCP 
-  * ''43595'' TCP 
-  * Allows loading the game applet and connecting to the server from other devices on LAN 
-  * :!: This is optional if only doing ''localhost'' 
-  netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="2004Scape Server" dir="in" action="allow" protocol="tcp" localport="80,43594,43595" remoteip="localsubnet" 
-====== Download Source ====== 
-  git clone --branch "main" --depth "1" --recurse-submodules "" "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src" 
-  explorer "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src" 
-====== Launcher Scripts ====== 
-  MKDIR "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\scripts\" 
-===== Server Start ===== 
-  notepad "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\scripts\localhost-server-start.bat" 
-@echo off 
-CD "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src\" 
-npm start 
-:: End</code> 
-===== Server Update ===== 
-  notepad "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\scripts\localhost-server-update.bat" 
-@echo off 
-start "" "" 
-git -C "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src" reset --hard 
-git -C "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src" pull origin "main" --rebase 
-echo If there are no updates, Ctrl + C to terminate, or Press any key to continue. 
-CD "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src\" 
-npm run "clean" && pause 
-:: End</code> 
-===== Save Data Back-up ===== 
-  notepad "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\scripts\localhost-save-backup.bat" 
-@echo off 
-tar -cvzf "%UserProfile%\Downloads\%RANDOM%-2004Scape-Server-localhost-Saves.tar.gz" -C "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src\data" "players" 
-echo 2004Scape Save Data Backed-up Successfully to Downloads 
-explorer "%UserProfile%\Downloads\" 
-:: End</code> 
-====== Launcher Shortcuts ====== 
-===== Desktop ===== 
-  * Right-click Desktop -> New -> Shortcut 
-==== Server Start ==== 
-  "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\scripts\localhost-server-start.bat" 
-  2004Scape localhost Start 
-==== Client ==== 
-  http://localhost:80 
-  2004Scape localhost 
-=== Icon === 
-  "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src\public\favicon.ico" 
-===== Start Menu ===== 
-  MKDIR "%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\2004Scape\" 
-==== Shortcuts ==== 
-  * Right-click -> New -> Shortcut 
-  explorer "%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\2004Scape\" 
-=== Server Start === 
-  "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\scripts\localhost-server-start.bat" 
-  localhost Server Start 
-=== Client === 
-  http://localhost:80 
-  localhost Client 
-== Icon == 
-  "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src\public\favicon.ico" 
-=== Update === 
-  "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\scripts\localhost-server-update.bat" 
-  localhost Server Updater 
-=== Save Backup === 
-  "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\scripts\localhost-save-backup.bat" 
-  localhost Save Data Back-up 
-=== Install Notes === 
-  localhost Install Notes 
-====== Quick Commands ====== 
-===== Execute ===== 
-==== Server ==== 
-  CD "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src\" && npm start 
-  "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\scripts\localhost-server-start.bat" 
-==== Client ==== 
-  * http://localhost:80 
-===== Update ===== 
-  * 
-  git -C "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src" reset --hard && git -C "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src" pull origin "main" --rebase && CD "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src\" && npm run "clean" 
-  "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\scripts\localhost-server-update.bat" 
-===== Save Data ===== 
-==== Back-up ==== 
-  explorer "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src\data\players\" 
-  tar -cvzf "%UserProfile%\Downloads\%RANDOM%-2004Scape-Server-localhost-Saves.tar.gz" -C "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src\data" "players" 
-  "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\scripts\localhost-save-backup.bat" 
-==== Restore ==== 
-  * Expects ''Downloads\2004Scape-Server-localhost-Saves.tar.gz'' ((contents should look like ''\Downloads\2004Scape-Server-localhost-Saves.tar.gz\2004Scape-Server-localhost-Saves.tar\players\espionage724.sav'')) 
-  * :!: The ''DEL'' command deletes existing files in the ''data\players'' folder 
-  DEL /Q "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src\data\players\*" 
-  tar -xvzf "%UserProfile%\Downloads\2004Scape-Server-localhost-Saves.tar.gz" -C "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src\data" "players" 
-===== npm ===== 
-  * Lists available ''npm'' commands 
-  CD "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src\" && npm run 
-===== File Manager ===== 
-==== Root ==== 
-  explorer "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src\" 
-==== Save Data ==== 
-  explorer "%UserProfile%\Projects\2004scape-server\src\data\players\" 
C:/www/wiki/data/attic/windows/servers/games/2004scape_localhost.1722548017.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/01 17:33 by Sean Rhone