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  • Windows 10 image extracted to %UserProfile%\Downloads\W10
  • install.wim at %UserProfile%\Downloads\W10\sources\install.wim
  • About 30GB of disk space to be safe

Get Indexes

  • LTSB 2016 and LTSC 2019 seems to have only one Index
  • :!: If more than one Index is present, be sure to change commands below and only select the wanted Index
dism.exe /Get-WimInfo /wimFile:"%UserProfile%\Downloads\W10\sources\install.wim"

Create Directories

mkdir "%UserProfile%\Downloads\mounted-wim"
mkdir "%UserProfile%\Downloads\update-packages"
mkdir "%UserProfile%\Downloads\temp-export"

Mount WIM

dism.exe /Mount-WIM /wimFile:"%UserProfile%\Downloads\W10\sources\install.wim" /index:"1" /MountDir:"%UserProfile%\Downloads\mounted-wim"

Add Updates to WIM

  • Updates should be copied to %UserProfile%\Downloads\update-packages prior to running
  • :!: The latest SSU needs to be installed and committed, and the process needs repeated in order to integrate the latest CU
dism.exe /image:"%UserProfile%\Downloads\mounted-wim" /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%UserProfile%\Downloads\update-packages"

Cleanup WIM

dism.exe /image:"%UserProfile%\Downloads\mounted-wim" /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase

Check Updates in WIM

dism.exe /Get-Packages /image:"%UserProfile%\Downloads\mounted-wim"

Commit Changes to WIM

dism.exe /Unmount-wim /mountdir:"%UserProfile%\Downloads\mounted-wim" /commit

Compress WIM

  • Need to manually copy the new install.wim to Install media sources folder
  • :!: If install.wim is ever above 4GB even after the compress, using Rufus to create a NTFS bootable USB flash drive is required
dism.exe /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:"%UserProfile%\Downloads\W10\sources\install.wim" /SourceIndex:"1" /DestinationImageFile:"%UserProfile%\Downloads\temp-export\install.wim" /Compress:"maximum"
/var/www/wiki/data/attic/windows/slipstream-updates.1583789463.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/03/09 17:31 (external edit)